Sunday, 14 May 2017

Le Pen? Well, no....

Le Pen lost!

She ran a great campaign in week 1, taking one percent from Macron each day, and adding to the abstentions, which all came from his potential support.  Then...?

She appointed a replacement to head up the National Front who was a Holocaust denier; she was caught plagiarizing a speech; she lost the debate badly, and was even criticized by her father - reminding everyone that she was the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen!

Macron also benefited from the release of a treasure trove of e-mails the day before the election, handing him a large sympathy vote.

In short, when you run a bad campaign in any election, you don't win.  She had a terrible last week, and paid the price.

What now?

What about those Macron e-mails?  They are out there....and not a word. from anyone reputable  If they come out, and show that he is anything other than the next saviour of France, the June legislative elections could turn out very badly for en Marche!

And Melenchon?  He did not endorse Macron.  One would think that, in a deeply anti-Establishment era, his party - la France insoumise - stands to gain the most once the potential fraud of en Marche as a rebel option is exposed.  So far, en Marche is in the lead in polling.  We shall see.

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