Monday, 19 June 2017

Trump....Bye Bye

I've been predicting that Trump will be caught using his public office for personal gain and will be impeached based on that conflict by the end of the summer. Most people think it will be "Russians". So what is the conflict that will bury him?
I think I get it - it is both.
Trump's son-in-law is now apparently under investigation, not only for talking to Russians, but for talking to Russian banks. I think this is very significant.
Trump has famously refused to release his tax returns. Most people think the reason is that he did not want anyone knowing his income, or lack of charitable contributions. What if the real reason is that he did not want anyone knowing how much debt he and or his companies have?
Trump recently filed a financial statement with the ethics watchdogs in Washington. He claims to be $315 million in debt, with about $1.4 Billion in assets. No, he is not worth $9 Billion.  
His lawyers have previously claimed that he has no debt owed to Russians. OK - but what about his companies?  If he has hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, his companies presumably have way more.
But wait! Did I say he was $315 Million in debt? about almost $1 Billion in debt?
If this is accurate, Donald Trump may be worth no more than a few hundred million dollars. This is a man who may actually have lost money since his bankruptcies in the 1990's. More than that, if these numbers are right, then he has way less money in real terms than what his father left him when he started out as a young man. He may be, as even he would say, a "loser"...and a complete charlatan.
Translation - he had every reason to look for every possible angle for making money in his new gig, and the trips to Mar-a-Largo are actually about him earning more cash.
So here it goes....
I think we may soon learn that Trump's stooges were negotiating with Russian banks about re-financing his real estate and business empire with some cut-rate loans during the campaign and after he became President, which would save those companies, and him indirectly, tens of millions of dollars in interest payments each year. I don't think this is about "Russian hacks"; it is about "Russian bucks". I think this the real reason why his real estate developer son-in-law is in the White House.
We shall see.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Comey Trails!

His Congressional Confluence of Confusion Continues!
What to make of Comey's recent testimony before Congress?
The Trump stuff is well-known.  It is also irrelevant - there is, as yet, no accusation that this man committed any crimes whatsoever while in office, or as part of his run for office.  He isn't even under investigation.  It is obvious that he did not order Comey to stop investigating Flynn.
On that, I think Alan Dershowitz is wrong.  Trump can stop any FBI investigation he sees fit to stop as an extension of his constitutional power, except an investigation that could conceivably lead to him, personally.  If POTUS can stop investigations that could lead to himself as a 'person of interest', then he is not a president bound by law, he is a monarch who is above the law.  Put another way, the President can pardon anyone, but not himself.  Alan D misses this essential point. But I digress....
Trump may not have done anything illegal as yet, but Hillary certainly committed crimes.
In the USA it is illegal for a government official to use a personal e-mail for government business.  It is especially illegal for a government official to send or receive classified or secret information by way of a personal e-mail.  And it is illegal for a government official to delete e-mails rendering them incapable of being put into the national archives.
There is no dispute that Clinton did all of this.  In fact, this was the only way she used e-mail while in government service - every single e-mail and deletion she send and initiated was an illegal act.  The only issue was whether or not she could be convicted, and Comey, as Director of FBI, concluded that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction, so the investigation was dropped.
Set aside for the moment that the suggestion that there was no reasonable prospect of conviction in a situation where a government official NEVER used the government's secure e-mail server is asinine and idiotic.  What did we learn yesterday from Comey that should, in normal times, blow this issue wide open?
We know that just before Clinton was let off the hook by Comey, Bill Clinton had a secret meeting with the Attorney General of the United States - Comey's boss at the time - on a private airplane on the tarmac in Phoenix, Arizona.  The investigation into Clinton was called off shortly after that meeting.
What we didn't know until yesterday was that Comey not only thought that this put the Attorney General in a conflict of interest situation vis a vis the investigation, but that this also prompted him to go public with the results on the investigation.  In short, the meeting appeared to have affected the investigation.
The establishment of a link - any link - between the secret meeting that Bill Clinton had with the AG of the USA, and any decision regarding the investigation to Hillary Clinton, including the decision to go public, should warrant a complete and thorough airing of everything that transpired leading up to Hillary Clinton's effective exoneration.  This reeks of possible obstruction of justice, which was surely the real reason why Bill Clinton met Loretta Lynch.
This is important...from Zero Hedge...
"When Comey testified on May 3 before the Senate Judiciary Committee, he was asked about the Lynch meeting.  He told lawmakers 'a number of things had gone on which I can’t talk about yet, that made me worry that the department leadership could not credibly complete the investigation and decline prosecution without grievous damage to the American people’s confidence in the justice system.'"
What were those "things"?  Why was America's confidence in the justice system under threat?  This man is no longer the Director of the FBI.  He is just a citizen now, and he needs to be compelled to tell all regarding how the investigation into Clinton actually came to be dropped.  The Special Prosecutor may want to consider re-opening this investigation.
And Trump?  He'll be impeached this summer.  The cause will be a little bit of "Russians", but a whole lot of good old "greed and graft", as I think he'll be caught using the Office of the President of the United States as a stepping stone to increased private wealth.
