Saturday, 27 June 2020

Never The Loser...Will Trump Resign?

OMG...and then, out of the blue, there it was...

The ideal time for him to resign would be Sunday, August 23rd; the day before the Republican Convention starts. Doing this will cause the maximum amount of damage to his party...which has never really ever been "his party".

Circle that date on your calendar.

Treason, In Plain View

He used to be their darling. David Frum is now one of the Republicans', and especially Trump's main pains in the ass...

The absurdity of it all may be best exemplified by Michael Flynn.

Flynn will walk away a free man after admitting that he committed a crime, and that with the full benefit of some of the best defence lawyers in the United States. 

His crime was lying to the police - he had the option of saying nothing to the cops - he had a "right to remain silent" - but he chose to talk to the cops, and when he did, he lied through his teeth. Lying to the cops is a crime...everywhere.

He was not set up. He did not stand up in court and say "I'm guilty" in the dead of night, under the threat of physical violence, or flippantly and without the benefit of legal counsel. 

After negotiations with prosecutors, he agreed to and signed a written plea deal in which he agreed to work with the FBI to help uncover the essence of the Trump Campaign's links to Russia. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he had legal advice when he did it.

William Barr, at the insistence of President Trump moved to have Flynn's prosecution stopped - at the sentencing stage! I have literally never heard of this. The legal system has literally never heard of this.

The reason? Because Bill Barr has claimed that Flynn had been entrapped!


The simple definition of "entrapment" is "tricking someone into committing a crime."

Entrapment occurs when the state sets up a fake crime, and someone takes the bait. For example, when the state offers a two-bit criminal a chance to participate in a drug deal that does not exist, then charges the person with conspiracy to commit the non-existent offence.

How was Flynn tricked into committing a crime when his own lawyers negotiated a plea deal on his behalf that he then agreed to and signed? Where is the "trap" in that? He knew exactly what he was doing when he did it, and had the benefit of legal advice while he did it. 

More than that, the crime was REAL...he committed obstruction of justice, and no one disputes this, not even Barr.

But was he tricked when he first talked to the FBI? Flynn even had lawyers with him when he lied to the copsThe man was literally surrounded by legal counsel at every single stange of his encounters with the criminal justice system. 

If you recall, that he lied to the FBI was so plain and obvious, that he publicly apologized to the Vice President for having mislead even him about his contacts with Russia! 

Flynn lied to EVERYONE! As noted by Frum, this was all in plain sight!

Here is a thought...maybe Flynn could have simply told the truth.

Stone goes to jail to serve his sentence in July. Was he entrapped as well, just like Flynn? Barr has no doubt been instructed by Trump to make sure Stone never serves a single day in jail. 

We are witnessing what may be one of the worst perversions of justice ever in the USA. The "entrapment" that has occurred consists of the millions of people who are willing to believe that this is somehow real, when what is really going on is that a President of the United States is bending the criminal justice system to his political will. Others have done it before, but never so brazenly.

What comes next?

Saturday, 20 June 2020


Trump recently threatened to sue CNN when the published a poll showing that Biden led him by 14% in a poll. Fox published a poll yesterday saying he trailed Biden by 12%.

Will his lawyers send a letter?

Everyone is in the election prediction business now....

And the Economist...

You don't need to cull through all of this. Basically, if Trump loses Florida, he is doomed.

No doubt, Putin's boys are ramping up the Fake News Facebook ads in that state right now. (Hmmm...did Black Lives Matter plant COVID-19 in the state to frustrate Trump's electoral chances? Did immigrants bring in the virus because Trump's wall with Mexico was not completed?!) 

Oh, there were more than 4,000 new COVID-19 cases in Florida yesterday - the most in one day, ever.


*Make America Normal Again

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Trump, American Il Duce

Trump has threatened to call out the Army to suppress violence in the demonstrations following George Floyd's death. He specifically wants to completely "dominate" persons he has called terrorists to protect the good people of America. He has warned that should governors not act in accordance with his view of how this should be handled, he will order in the US Army against their advice.

The persons advising Trump would no doubt see reason in this approach. The calculus is simple - violent demonstrators hurt peaceful citizens and destroy property...those peaceful persons will want it stopped, and they vote....soldiers can stop it...send them in.  The result should be a bump at the polls, which of course is what this is really all about.

The people Americans normally look to in order to deal with theft and vandalism are the police. Where the violence has been considered extreme, governors have already called up their National Guard to assist. 

So, we have soldiers on the streets of the Good Ole' US of A, some called out by nervous governors, and many more threatened by the President of the United States. When discussion fails and outrage follows, soldiers are apparently the solution.

A simple question....

What if the show of force backfires and the protestors don't go home?

The protests in Hong Kong went on literally for months. There are tens of millions of unemployed Americans now who have nothing to do and nothing to lose. 

Is the United States ready for soldiers in their streets, not for hours, but for months?

I am especially worried about July 4th. 

Will the US military be deployed in the streets across that country to quell demonstrations on a day that is sacred to Americans? 

Soldiers carry AR-15s. Will people be shot on that sacred day? Worse, will the shooters be White and victims be Black?

I watched Trump's speech yesterday. It was very well done...his supporters would have been delighted. But if you watched it, did you catch the cryptic reference to Second Amendment rights?

For Trump's supporters, the Second Amendment encompasses their vision of their relationship with the government and with society itself - they have the right to bear arms, so they have the right to take up arms if they think they need to for political reasons as well as to protect themselves.

Part of society is demonstrating against police racism, and against racism writ large. Trump has recommended absolutely nothing to quell racism, but he wants the army to stop it, and he has also cryptically called out others to act by referring to this right. 

Do you understand that by referring to the Second Amendment in these circumstances the President of the United States has also implicitly called out White vigilantes to help deal with the Black "problem"? - Trump was channelling his inner KKK...

While looting is likely a local phenomena wherever it has been occurring, there are also obviously foreign-inspired agitators behind much of this violence. The violence and the foreign entity - let's call it Russia - aim at dividing the USA. This malignant force is in league with a president who has always seen political gain in division.

A real president would be searching ways to heal his nation. This man can't wait to start counting body bags.

"Democracy is talking itself to death. The people do not know what they want; they do not know what is the best for them. There is too much foolishness, too much lost motion. I have stopped the talk and the nonsense. I am a man of action. Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day." - Mussolini

Oh, of course the S & P 500 just keeps moving up and body bag at a time.