Sunday 28 June 2015

The Pooro Zone

The ECB may save Greece for now...likely not.  But after Greece we have Portugal...Spain...Ireland...Italy.  There is no plan.  Europe needs to move to a two currency zone - the Euro for solvent countries, and a new "Pooro" for bankrupt ones.  The Pooro could be set a a fraction of the value of the Euro - maybe 60% - allowing any country that adopted the Pooro to benefit from devaluation immediately.  Euro debt could be paid in Pooros, providing immediate debt relief as well.  However, any country adopting the new currency would have an immediate drop in standard of living equivalent to the difference between the Euro and the Pooro...the price of living beyond one's means for decades.  It is not perfect, but it is better than foundering as we stumble from crisis to crisis.

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