Saturday 15 August 2015

All Fair and Balanced!

A quick tour through the headlines, and what they actually mean...

Fox News...

Police Chiefs, Sheriffs blast ICE over policy they say frees violent illegal immigrants

Which means...we are really, really sorry that we offended Donald Trump with questions regarding his unrepentant sexism.  We will do whatever we can to keep coasting his celebrity for profit and fame.

CBC News...(Note - cannot comment on Canadian political reporting...)

Internet sees Vladimir Putin's face in flock of birds over New York City

Which is summer time at the CBC, and we are all on holidays.

New York Times...

To many in Crimea, corruption seems no less at home under Russian rule

Which means...we think the Government of Ukraine is as bad as the government of Vladimir Putin, and can't understand why Americans care about Crimea.

The National Post...

"I think I made my point", Montreal mayor Coderre takes a jackhammer to Canada Post community mailbox base

Which means...we think our average reader is about 80 years old.

The Globe and Mail...

Montreal mayor's destruction of Canada Post property might be illegal

Which means...we think the average age of our readers is about 30 years old.

Ottawa Sun...

ISIS executions show a progression of depravity

Which means...we think you all need to be afraid all the time.

Wall Street Journal...

Bush tried to turn up the heat in Iowa

Which means...we need to keep supporting the wealthy oligarchs who run our country.

Al Jazeera...

Evacuations as chemical fears grow at China blast site

Which means...we like reporting actual news.


China orders evacuation of blast area

Which do we.

Epoch Times...

China Blast Zone Evacuated Over Chemical Contamination Fears

Which do we...especially if we can blame the Commies in China for nasty stuff.

The Onion...

Poll: 89% of Americans believe Obama has failed to bring America Closer to Celestial Utopia of Endless Pleasure

Which means...expectations of what Obama would be able to do as President of the USA were too high.

Russia Today (Now RT)...

Questions remain over Assad's motivation over alleged chemical attacks

Which means...the journalists for this new agency went to the TASS School of Propaganda and Selective Reality and are members of the Cult of the New Homo Sovieticus

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