Tuesday 6 December 2016

It is going to fall....

We have seen two massive pull-backs in the DOW in the last 18 months...
May 11 '15, 18,272
Aug 31 '15, 16,102
That was a 11.8% drop in 3.5 months
Nov 2 '15, 17,910
Feb 8 '16, 15,973
That was a 10.8% drop in 2.5 months.
We have seen a 6.8% rise in the last five weeks...apparently because Donald Trump was elected.
Oct 31 '16, 17,888
Dec 5 '16, 19,211
There will be another drop.  

The last time a new president took office, the DOW dropped from about 8,500 on election day to 6,626 on Mar 2, 2009.  That was a 22% drop in 3.5 months.
And the time before that, when Bush became president, the DOW was at 10,434 when he was confirmed by the US Supreme Court.  On Sept 10, 2001, it was 9,065...a 13% drop in 10 months.
The year after a new president takes office has historically seen a significant pull back in the markets at some point. The only exception in the last 45 years was Clinton.

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