Saturday 21 January 2017

President Trump

OMG!  Donald Trump is the President of the United States! And he is selling himself as he anti-establishment president! President Trump has been a member of the Establishment since he was in the womb, and his efforts will be largely on their behalf.

He'll cut taxes for the rich to create jobs?

If that worked, the USA would have zero people on food stamps now, not 43 million. The 1% will own an even larger share of the wealth of America when he is done.

He'll reform bank regulations?

Well, this guy will be seeking bank loans when he leaves office. So, yes, he will reform bank regulations alright, but he will do just what he is told by the likes of Jamie Dimon, and he will loosen them to the point that the US banks will again run amok....then seek another public bailout when it all falls apart again!

He'll repeal Obamacare, replacing it with something even better?

That better thing is called "the 'free' market". He'll consign up to 20 million Americans to the ranks of the uninsured again, guaranteeing more profits to the health care companies that own his colleagues in Congress.

He'll take on Mexico and China to improve the lot of the American working class?

The great multinational companies that own American labour will continue to move production to low-cost countries, except for the occasional and widely-hailed "returns" of jobs to America. The vast majority of these returns will have been planned by those companies, likely years before President Trump came to power. Some job will be created...they are created all the time. In the end, President Trump will put American Business before American Workers because he actually thinks this is good for them.

He'll spend Trillions on infrastructure, creating millions of jobs?

That was Obama's policy. If this worked in 2010 - 2011 there would be no need to do it in 2017 - 2020. Fact - infrastructure is maintained and built all the time. What is different from this normal infrastructure spending with President Trump - and exactly like Obama - is that he'll drive up the national debt even more, as he will adamantly refuse to force American to live within its every US politician in the last 50 years. That massive debt will weigh down all Americans for generations to come.

He has undertaken to not cut Medicare or Social Assistance?

When the budget deficit gets near $1 Trillion a year again, he will "reluctantly" agree with Republican cuts to those programs, in the name of "living within our means". He and his buddies will be OK.

Sorry people but President Trump, who used to finance Hillary Clinton's political campaigns, is as Establishment as you can get.

"Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss..."

Image result for trump establishment


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