Sunday 5 February 2017

Trump's BS Ban

Trump has banned persons from ran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, from entering the United States, citing security risks.  The ban is wrong, and likely illegal. The ban covers the vast majority of potential entrants into the USA - likely everyone - who are actually innocent of such slander, and it appears to be in serious trouble in the courts.

Trump does appear to truly believe that the ban is required to protect America. Taking him as having a bona fide belief in the need for a ban, there is a fairly obvious problem with his approach...

Why have citizens of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Pakistan not been banned as well?

The terrorists who launched the present epoch in international relations on September 11, 2001, were from Saudi Arabia (15), the United Arab Emirates (2), Lebanon (1) and Egypt (1). 

Saudi Arabia is also the world's proponent of the Wahhabi stream of the Muslim faith, with is the theological inspiration for ISIS. 

Pakistan is the locus of well-known terrorist training facilities in the form of extremist mosques and even military training facilities - and the Pakistani secret service and military have been sponsoring the murder of Western soldiers by the Taliban in Afghanistan for years.

Is Egypt not on the list because it is now effectively an American protectorate, and putting them on the list would suggest that the protectorate - the purpose of which is suppressing the Muslim Brotherhood - isn't working?

Are Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates not on the list because they are a source of significant foreign investment into the USA, and putting them on the list would be bad for business?

Is Pakistan not on the list for fear that its secret service and military will step up the murder of Westerners in Afghanistan through expanded support of the Taliban?

Trump's negligence regarding who is banned suggests that even from the perspective of the "anti-Establishment"/America First approach he pretends to espouse, he is an absolute charlatan. In the end, business trumps national security every time. What a disgrace.

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