Friday 21 July 2017

Getting Closer....

Trump's presidency is living on borrowed time.

See here...
The key is this..."Agents are also interested in...the efforts of Jared Kushner, the President’s son-in-law and White House aide, to secure financing for some of his family’s real estate properties."
I think they are negotiating this financing with the Russians even now. Cut rate loans in return even for access to the Office of the President of the United States is grounds for impeachment.
And a follow up. Is it really potential "treason", as noted in my last post? Doesn't the USA actually have to be at war for such a charge and conviction?  We may want to ask Julius and Ethel Rosenberg about this. Of course, we can't because they were executed for treason for passing secrets to the Soviets when the USA was not at war with that country.

Trump is now thinking about how to pardon his friends, family, and himself, while undermining the Special Prosecutor.

They are finally asking the right questions. This is about to explode.

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