Sunday 18 February 2018

The Meaning of the 13 Indictments

Wow! The FBI was on to these people for months. They had their personal e-mails...they knew exactly who they were, and the criminals apparently had no clue the FBI was on to them until late last year.

These are not your normal run-of-the mill baddies. They are paid-for, financed and aided Russian trolls...they have the power of the Russian state behind them.

The attempt by Russia to influence the outcome of the US election was obviously more than just an attempt to get Trump elected. It was an electronic showdown between these two countries...who has the better IT counterintelligence network?

This is the real game. Whoever rules the Internet rules the world. It is the "high ground" of the 21st century.

They have been pushing us, hard. There have been numerous attacks on Western IT infrastructure from the likes of Russia and North Korea in recent years.

With these indictments, we get a wee glimpse at just how good the American IT counter-intelligence network actually is. Obviously, this is just a glimpse....they can no doubt do way more than what this indictment revealed.

And so, the primary lesson for the world's bad guys from these indictments should be that the USA clearly has the advantage when it comes to using the World Wide Web as a weapon. The baddies can inconvenience the USA and others. OK, but these indictments should make clear that the USA can likely destroy their IT infrastructure any time they want.

Again, the Russian-aided trolls had NO CLUE that the FBI was on to them. No doubt the Russians are now wondering what else and who else is the USA watching, all the time, without their knowledge?

From a geopolitical perspective, these indictments are one massive "F&&k You!" to Vladimir Putin and his whole rotten regime.'s about time. If this is what the American "deep state" does for a living, just keep it up.

I suspect the attacks on Western IT infrastructure will subside for a while. And every single North Korean troll is taking the day off...

Image result for cartoon USA cat


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kim Jong Un invented the internet. The idea came to him after he fought and killed a meat eating dinosaur with his bare hands and had no platform to share the selfie he had just taken with his Iphone (which he also invented).
