Friday 9 March 2018

March Break!

Friday Fracas!

The Markets: Who is buying this market? Trump is about to trigger an international trade war; both the European and Japanese central banks are planning to end their versions of QE; all while interest rates are on the rise, everywhere. Stock markets should be tanking worldwide. They will. Stay tuned.

Trump!: Hope Hicks walked out of a nine hour grilling by the Senate committee looking into possible collusion, and resigned. She had previously met with the FBI to answer their many questions, and has openly admitted to telling “little white lies” on behalf of Trump. She would only walk out of a meeting and do something like immediately resign if she strongly suspected that she was about to be indicted and she did not want to be part of the administration when that happens. 

Hicks worked with Trump personally to craft the cover story for the June, 2016 meeting between Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort and a purported representative of the Russian state, the point of which was to subvert a US presidential election. Hmmm…can you say “accessory after the fact to a conspiracy”? If anyone will sing like a canary, it may be a woman who apparently kept detailed notes of her entire time with Trump. Get used to Hope Hicks. You will be hearing about this person in her many different guises for the next 25 years.

Blue Jays: They are slightly under .500 in Spring training, but the fact is that they do look pretty good! Martin and Travis look healthy. The bullpen looks excellent. Granderson can contribute. Sanchez seems to be back to form, and Happ and Estrada also look very good. If they stay healthy, Stoman’s shoulder issue is a “nothing burger”, and Garcia can pitch 200 innings to even a 4.25 ERA, then this team should at least be competitive – maybe third in the AL East, with a shot at a second wild card? OMG - I think I am actually optimistic! Go Jays Go!

Ontario: Elliott will take the PC leadership 54% to Ford’s 46% this weekend. If this leadership race had dragged on for even another week, Ford would have signed up enough people to win. He will not run to be an MPP – it is “Premier or bust” for this clown. Elliott will then get a majority government in June, with the following results…PC – 69 seats (46%); NDP – 31 seats (29%); Liberals –25 seats (23%). Wynne will be on the board of directors of Ontario Power Generation by the end of the year making six figures.

Happy Friday!


  1. My prediction for June: Now that Ford is being declared as the new PC leader (I think it will be 50.5 when the dust settles), I see the NDP support collapsing as all progressives will flock to the Liberals. I predict the Liberals will win with 45% of the popular vote. I fear for the Ontario NDP.

  2. You may be 100% right! I think Ford has a mountain of dirt behind him that those who have been puling the strings in the PC Party are about to release in the hopes he will resign - call it the "Brown Treatment.". Elliott has refused to conceded for a reason. Still, all three parties have mad a mess of a great province. $315 Billion in debt, and a new recession pending.

  3. I find it telling that: 3 women running in a 4 person field; women candidates with real credentials and one with powerful family connections, could not win against a male duffus. The PC party really need to do some soul searching. It would have really been something to have three women leaders of the three provincial parties in the provincial legislature.

  4. Also, the PC party has not released the vote tally - yet. Hmmmmm.
