Rapid fire update.
Cohen spoke about his time with Trump. He conformed that Trump is a serial liar, racist, conman. He alleged that Trump told him to lie to Congress. He confirmed that the Trump Tower project in Russia went on longer than Trump had let on, and that Trump knew about the infamous June, 2016 meeting with the Russians, which Trump has denied. He alleged that Trump knew about the Wikileaks release of stolen Democrat e-mails before it happened. Trump has also denied this. Of course, Cohen also confirmed his version of the Stormy Daniels payoffs.
Cohen also alleged many other things that largely got lost in the general mayhem that was his testimony. The most important thing he did was hand over reams of documents...these may spark a much more useful review of his time as Trump's lawyer. His cooperation with the New York prosecutor's office will be the thing that sends Trump to prison...some day.
Know, however, that Cohen is a snake, and as such his veracity on any issue is questionable.
Finally, Trump has said that Cohen asked for a pardon, and Trump said "no". This is 100% consistent with Trump's approach to loyalty, which he sees as other people's loyalty to him alone. Nothing new here.
Manafort got 47 months for tax evasion/bank fraud. This is less than the 19 years that Mueller's team had asked for, but he will be sentenced again next week on witness tampering and conspiracy. The fact that he undertook to cooperate with Mueller then proceeded to lie to prosecutors in breach of his plea deal will not sit well with the judge. I would think he gets the maximum 10.
Things have otherwise been quiet.
I have to assume that Mueller's team has been pouring over the transcripts that the House of Representatives have provided regarding Trump Jr.'s testimony, and they are preparing charges of lying to Congress.
I also have to think that they are getting ready to wrap things up.
I would estimate at least 20 other indictments, including against Trump Jr., Kushner, perhaps more against Manafort, and maybe even Ivanka Trump. Expect a few "news" personalities who have been the mouth pieces for the Trump Administration to also possibly be indicted. The First Amendment doesn't cover criminal conspiracy.
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