Friday, 13 September 2019

All Philosophy, Explained

All basic philosophy is outlined for you below in a series of short questions and statements.  

It all comes down to this…

Personal Philosophy – What is the meaning of life?

Religious Philosophy – The meaning of life is God.

Humanist Philosophy – The meaning of life is Humans.

Political Philosophy – Who is in charge of tax revenues?

Democratic Philosophy – What are you doing with our money?

Non-Democratic Philosophy – The few are entitled to the people's money.

Artistic Philosophy – What is reality?

Pre-Modern Artistic Philosophy – Reality is what you see.

Modern Artistic Philosophy – Reality is what you feel.

Post-Modern Artistic Philosophy – Artichoke.

Economic Philosophy – Greed is good.

Social Philosophy – Greed is bad.

More interesting philosophies…some are real, and some are “less real”.

Pirate Philosophy – The meaning of life is “Arrrrr”.

Charitable Philosophy –The meaning of life is you.

Narcissistic Philosophy – The meaning of life is me.

Al Caponean Philosophy – The meaning of life is “fugeddaboudit”.

Bureaucratic Philosophy – Please take note, the working group that has been struck to explore this concept will report back at a later date.  Thank you. Veuillez prendre note que le groupe de travail qui a été créé pour explorer ce concept fera rapport à une date ultérieure.  Je vous remercie. (Last update, 03/02/2001)

Environmental Philosophy – The meaning of life is green.

Oceanic Philosophy – The meaning of life is blue.

Librarian Philosophy – The meaning of life is read.

Young Man’s Philosophy – Give love to get sex.

Young Woman’s Philosophy – Give sex to get love.

Parental Philosophy – Keep them busy until they are 30.

Stoic Philosophy – The meaning of life is duty, self-control and no sex.

Bacchanalian Philosophy – The meaning of life is wine, freedom and lots of sex.

Trumpian Philosophy – The meaning of life is money, control and bad sex (…also see “Narcissistic Philosophy”.)

My Philosophy - Artichoke.

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