Monday 13 January 2020

Trump in 2020? Be Afraid!

Last night, I watched much of Trump's first stump speech of 2020 that was made in Ohio on Jan 9th.

He went on for over an hour. He was vintage Trump, calling the Democrats "horrible people", and introducing his new campaign slogan, "Keep America Great!" 

As I have noted before, "Make America Great Again!" was a GREAT campaign slogan...this new one is its natural follow-up. In fact, he will use both.

He was VERY effective touching on the economy, the border wall and immigration, the police and health care, China, his opponents etc, entirely without notes. He played the crowd like an old pro.

Get used to it people, Trump is now an experienced and effective speaker.  

The Democrats need to up their game. 

He barely won last time; he is a much stronger candidate this time.

Keep America Great! Embroidered Hat

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