Mueller broke his silence to defend Stone's prosecution, which was based on the reality that lying to the police is a crime, literally everywhere on Earth.
Recall - Stone lied to the FBI and obstructed their investigation into Russia's and Wikileak's involvement in a conspiracy to subvert American democracy on behalf of Trump. Stone was convicted, not by the Democrats; not by the FBI and Mueller; not by an Obama judicial appointee; but by a jury of his peers.
That jury is certain to speak out to voice its opinion that Stone was properly convicted.
Will Trump attack even these normal Americans, who as citizens, weighed the evidence against Stone and convicted him beyond a reasonable doubt?
Of course he will! "FAKE JURY!!!"
The Russia "hoax" that Trump and Fox are constantly harping on is the apparent "lie" that Russia perverted American democracy by intervening on behalf of Trump in 2016.
Here is what happened in 2016...this needs to be quoted...
"...there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election....
The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election....
The second element involved the Russian government's efforts to conduct computer hacking operations designed to gather and disseminate information to influence the election."
This quote is NOT from the Mueller Report. It is from Attorney General William Barr's Summary of that Report.
In his Summary, Barr went to great lengths to explain that there was no conclusive evidence that Trump participated in the "obstruction of democracy". But nowhere in his summary does Barr question the essential findings of the Mueller Report, which is that Russia interfered in the last presidential election on Trump's behalf.
Be warned! Barr apparently counselled Trump to not commute Stone's sentence. One has to think that even Barr's days as a Trump Lackey are now numbered!
Say "Hello!" to Attorney General Giuliani!
(Merci to the Newyorker magazine)