Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Will Trump Resign THIS WEEK?

Here is the argument.

The United States Supreme Court decides this week if he has to release his tax returns. Those tax returns will likely outline financial arrangements that are deeply entwined with Russia.

Why does Trump meet Putin for hours at a time at secret meetings where no notes are taken?

Why does he mimic Putin in denying what every US intelligence service has confirmed, which is that that Russia deeply influenced that last presidential election in his favour?

Why has he invited Russia back into the G-7, in spite of their aggression in Ukraine, and their targeting of his own country's military personnel via bounties paid to the Taliban?


Because Trump has been Putin's Bitch for decades.

Trump was bankrupt in the early 1990's - by his own admission, he was a billion dollars in the hole. 

He was a billionaire again by the mid-1990s, a few short years later, during a time that just happened to coincide with the break up of the Soviet Union and the rise of the Oligarchs. 

His tax records will likely show that he received hundreds of millions of dollars in Russian money over those years - he was a money laundering machine for citizens of America's historic enemy who were raping their own country.

He can't survive politically in information like this comes out, which is why he has fought the release of his tax records all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States.

If that Court orders the immediate release of those records, expect him to "...go out on a winner!"

What if one of the most corrupt men in American history, a criminal, and a traitor has been running the USA for the last four years?

Oh...another tidbit...Trump's efforts on behalf of the Russians would have occurred in New York City. 

Who was the mayor of that city during those years?


  1. Trump will do what he always does - he will double down on his denial, because the most precarious place to find himself these days would be ANYWHERE except the oval office. As long as he is there, he is protected from everything that has gone on.

  2. An Independence Day surprise! He resigns!! Or, he gets OVID-19...seems like many people around him have it. All Hail the new President Kushner!

  3. Corona virus, eh? Biden would like that, wouldn't he? I heard that he both invented the virus AND the fake rumor that there is a virus - both of which are 100% true. Gosh, won't all those people who got sick with corona virus feel stupid when they find out that it isn't even a real disease?!?

  4. JUST STOP TESTING!!! The testing is causing the fake news illusion that there is a pandemic! Thank God the S&P 500 is almost at a historic high! The market is NEVER wrong!
