Saturday 7 November 2020

Trump Coup?

The ballots have been cast. Trump is on the road to Loserville.

Or is he?

As noted here, with his tax returns going to a Grand Jury in NYC, he faces arrest after he is no longer president for a range of malfeasance. But he will continue to be the President until the third week of January.

By alleging fraud, Trump has set the stage for what could amount to an attempted coup...using the United States Government that he will control for the next two and a half months to overturn the election.

Barr will be busy, as long as he is not fired.  Will the US also military be busy?

State of Emergency, anyone?


  1. Can this behaviour be considered Treason!!

  2. IDK!! He is still in charge with executive powers...this is BAD!

  3. Executive powers cannot be viewed as cart blanch to undermine the constitution. Yes, it is BAD. Worst POTUS ever!
