Saturday, 26 March 2022

Possible Ukraine Settlement

The Russians are stalled and are focusing on fully occupying the Donets and Luhansk regions. In short, rather than conquer the entire country, they seem to be settling for capturing Eastern Ukraine. 

The Russians will not win, and the whole world has a stake in this matter being settled as soon as possible so as to avoid an escalation to a wider war.

A settlement of this conflict could see the following:

1. All hostilities will cease immediately. Humanitarian aid will be allowed into regions occupied by the Russians. Russia will immediately return all Ukrainian citizens who may have been forcibly removed to Russia.

2. Ukraine and Russia will exchange all prisoners of war.

3. Russia will evacuate all areas of Ukraine outside of Crimea or the Donets and Luhansk regions within a week of the agreement.

4. There will be UN-supervised referenda in Crimea and the Donets and Luhansk regions within three months to ascertain whether residents want to stay within Ukraine or join Russia. Ukraine and Russia will cooperate with and facilitate these referenda. Neither country will seek to move residents into these regions in order to influence the outcomes of the referenda.

5. Russia will evacuate either Crimea or the Donets and Luhansk regions within one week should the  referenda that indicate that the residents in the regions would prefer to remain part of Ukraine.

6. Russia and Ukraine will go to arbitration to settle on compensation for Ukraine should either Crimea of the Donets and Luhansk regions opt join Russia. The arbitrators will be chosen by the UN Security Council, absent Russia.

7. Ukraine will guarantee that it will not seek to join NATO.

8. Russia will guarantee that it will not interfere in Ukraine internal affairs, and that Ukraine will be free to pursue any economic or political arrangements with other nations.

9. Ukraine and Russia will convene a joint dispute settling body to facilitate settlement of future disputes. 

This would be an agreement between Ukraine and Russia. Other nations would be free to maintain whatever relationship with the two countries that they prefer, including keeping sanctions against Russia or aid to Ukraine.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Channeling My Inner Trump!

 In May of 2021, I wrote this blog...

"In terms of specific tactics, if he can stay out of jail until the 2022 mid-term elections, and should the Republicans retake the House of Representatives and the Senate, he could coerce his lackeys in the Republican Party to put through a motion recognizing him as the true President of the United States, and repudiating the election of Joe Biden. Trump then would be able to go to any court and say that, because it is at least possible that he could be restored as the President of the United States, any charges should at least be stayed."

Please see here...

Yesterday, we learned that Trump had asked this of one of his lackeys, Mo Brooks, to do this should Mr. Brooks be elected to Congress in November, 2022..

....'“rescind the 2020 elections, immediately remove Joe Biden from the White House, immediately put President Trump back in the White House, and hold a new special election for the presidency.”

Please see here...

I was wrong in my blog in assuming that this entire episode would be about Trump trying to avoid criminal sanction. In fact, it is worse than that. As with what happened on January 6, 2021, Trump is bent on sedition to return to power. The United States of America has never faced a challenge like this.

To his credit, Mr. Brooks has refused to accede to Trump's demand. He will stand behind his oath to uphold the constitution, fully understanding that what has been asked of him breaches the highest law in the land. 

Will other Republicans do the same? 

We will find out how loyal these people are after the 2022 congressional elections, as Trump is almost certain to ask all Republicans in Congress to overturn the 2022 presidential election as soon as they take their seats in that august institution.

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Do We Want WW3? What Are We Doing!?

Here are a few psychological studies of Putin.

Summary - Latent homosexual, possible pedophile, posing as someone he is not and never was, in denial and desperate to not be found out, who thinks the world will never really accept him...sees in Russia's expansion and restoration of its greatness his own Napoleonic personal restoration, and Kiev in particular as key as having some relation to his mother,...primary traits are sadism, narcissism, obsessive/compulsive = he's nuts.


Will Putin's inner sense that he will never be accepted by his own country spur him on to risk them all..." me or I'll nuke everything?"...similar to what Hitler did to Germany at the end of WW2? 

He derives joy from the idea that one person could decide the fate of thousands of others....what fate could he potentially have in store, and who are "the others"? 

He viciously attacks any opponents seeing all as threats. Would he see a defeat in Ukraine as a threat to his essential being that had to be thwarted/avoided with the maximum effort available to him...i.e. nukes? 

Is he desperate to avoid defeat and removal from office in order to avoid being "found out", whether that means as a homosexual, or just a wimp?  What would he do to avoid this, which could follow a defeat in Ukraine?

Is his sadism and narcissism such that he cannot identify at all with the suffering he is imposing on others, and he would not see how serious even nuclear weapons may be? He has mentioned using them three times in a week, and has put Russia on a high nuclear alert.

If the question is agreeing to keep Ukraine out of NATO, versus the risk that he will use nukes, maybe we declare that Ukraine will never be allowed to join NATO; challenge the Russians to leave; then resort to the long game of waiting/encouraging Putin to either die, retire, or be removed?

Was Ukraine going to be allowed into NATO any time soon anyway? What are the West's actual interests here?  

Putin likely wants way more, but getting him to agree to a cease-fire and starting talking about Ukraine not joining NATO would be a defeat for him, and a victory for our primary goal here, which is to make sure he does not go nuclear even if the risk is very low. 

Why are we facilitating a war that could kill tens of thousands of Ukrainians and possibly end everything for everyone?  

Is it appeasement to recognize that your opponent is nuts and could blow up the entire world, so maybe a short-term accommodation to wait him out is in order? 

Hitler didn't have nukes...

Friday, 4 March 2022

Is This How It Ends?

The invasion is not going to plan. 

Putin is up against the wall, and he is nuts and increasingly desperate. 

What is going on in the Kremlin? 

Is a battle going on there that will decide whether or not humanity continues to exist?  

Is the fate of the world in the hands of a few generals and advisors and hangers-on who are trying to figure out how to sneak a handgun into a meeting with him, or doctors who are trying to figure out how to slip him some poison, a la Stalin. or a girlfriend who is planning to plunge a knife into his heart?  

Is the CIA activating assassination plans?

I do not think any human would survive a nuclear holocaust.

If Putin goes nuclear, the only intelligent life in the universe will be snuffed out.

We have never been closer to complete annihilation. The nuclear clock should be at 11:59:58...

Is this how it ends?