Friday, 9 September 2022

Biden On Speed

Joe Biden is acting like he is 49, not 79.

Here is his speech to the Democratic National Convention on September 8, 2022....

Biden did not miss a single step while delivering this speech over about 25 minutes. He delivered the speech without notes or a teleprompter.  

This contrasts markedly with his many missteps, hesitations and inexplicable confusions displayed in speech after speech and interview after interview over the last few years; confusions and missteps so serious as to put his competency as president and future as a presidential candidate in 2024 into very serious question. With this latest speech, it is clear that something has changed. Has Biden started taking uppers? Is he napping a few times a day, and before he addresses the Nation? He certainly appears to have gone all out to prepare for this speech, and it worked.

Biden has also changed his tactics. Previously, he had been trying to unify legislators, driving both Democrats and Republicans to support bi-partisan legislation. While he has previously been attacking Trump and what he calls "MAGA Republicans" for years, he ramped things up very significantly with a rather ill-advised speech in Pennsylvania last week. He took a less aggressive approach in the speech noted above yesterday, where he again strove to exploit a wedge between the politics of normal Democrats, Independents and Republicans, and the MAGA Republicans. 

Biden now clearly sees an opportunity for his party to actually win the mid-term elections in November, which would be unprecedented for a president in his first term when the legislature usually flips away from the party of the president to the one in opposition. He is trying to take advantage of the efforts of people like Liz Chaney who has declared war on the Trump wing of the Republican Party, and to seek to mobilize female voters who are upset with the overturning of Roe v Wade. If he can mobilize Democrats, Independents and normal Republicans against MAGA Republicans, the Democrats have a very good chance of holding onto the House of Representatives and Senate in November. 

And looking forward to November, the Republicans now have a very significant tactical problem. Usually the party in opposition runs against what the party in office has done while in office, and succeeds as it is easier to run against something than it is to run for something. In succeeding in reversing Roe v Wade, and with some Republicans proclaiming that they will also go after same sex marriage and even Social Security, the Republicans have handed the Democrats something to run against, in spite of the fact that they actually control Congress and the Presidency. 

The days when Republicans could raise bogeymen such as trans-friendly toilets and other socially-liberal issues in attacking Democrats may be over now, largely because of what the Republicans themselves have said and done. Add in the existential issue related to democracy itself, and what Biden calls normal politics versus what the MAGA Republicans stand for, and there is a very good chance that the Republicans may not succeed in taking the House of Representatives and the Senate in November.

These are not normal times. Biden senses this, and has moved aggressively to take advantage of what may be an historic opportunity to avoid a flipped legislature in November. He may even be taking naps before he makes his speeches, which could be bad news for people like Donald Trump.

P.S. The week that Biden made his ill-advised speech, Trump aggressively demanded that he immediately be returned to office as President of the United States. This demand seemed to have come out of nowhere. As noted here before, Trump wants to be president again to avoid criminal prosecution, as a siting president cannot be charged with a crime while he is in office. These two events happening in the same week got me thinking...have both men been advised that charges are pending against Trump with the Department of Justice advising Biden, and Trump's lawyers advising him, causing both men to seek to move the bar forward as a result? 

We shall see...


  1. Is it possible that Biden just seemed a bit dopey in the first year and a bit because Covid pressures were running him ragged? It clearly didn't have the same effect on Trump, and that is probably because Trump wasn't actually working very hard to do anything about it, and didn't lose much sleep as a result.

  2. Didn't that Biden fella ask about some dead Jackie lady and where she was at? Didn't he pretty much beg the Saudi's to not cut the oil production for just a month to fool people to vote for Democrats? In the words of Congress woman Rashida Tlaib.. I think the Republicans are going to "Impeach the MFr" know for the quid pro quo nonsense. So we used to worry about 'mean tweets'.... now we worry about paying for things and nuclear war. That whole student loan forgiveness? Pure pandering ..lets give 10 to 20 grand to the people most likely to vote for me...who are going to eventually be hauling in much more than the fellows he is taxing to pay for it. ... but sure ...when he stood in front of the white house with the blood red background and soldiers on either side and said about half the country were a THREAT to the country .. he did seem to channel a world leader from the past.. its just unfortunate the one he channeled was the one with a 'final solution'

  3. Biden seems to be a crook! and is about to kick off WW3.

  4. The Biden's are in trouble. Joe Biden stated in a debate that he knew nothing of his son's business dealings and that his family never received cash from Chinese companies. Both of these assertions are false. Joe was on the phone during his son's business calls 17 times. Hunter's business partner said that Joe did not talk business during those calls, but it doesn't matter...his presence was the conversation. Expect the Republicans to rightly hammer him on these falsehoods.

    Hunter had a plea deal regarding his tax issue and the fact that he lied about whether he was on drugs when he bought a gun. He has paid the taxes, and the gun issue isn't a big one as he did nothing illegal with the gun, so he should avoid jail. However, when the plea deal was presented the presiding judge asked if he could also be charged with not registering as a foreign agent - the judge was essentially asking if this deal absolved Hunter of other crimes with which he had not been charged? The answer was yes, so the plea deal was set aside. Expect another plea deal, but with significant penalties for Hunter, that could include a short spell in the slammer.

    Biden is not about to cause WW3, but the West is taking a massive risk here, in that Putin has threatened to use nukes, and no one seems to be taking him seriously, except, ironically, Biden who did ask a few months ago if we were heading for Armageddon. This is simple. If you think there is even a 1% chance that Putin will use nukes, we need to tell Ukraine to seek an armistice and start negotiating, asap. The reason is that if nukes are used, that could prompt others to use them as well...Israel against Iran; Indian against Pakistan; North Korea against South Korea and Japan and US military assets, with more escalation risking a major nuclear war. In short, one or two years after the Russians use nukes, I think there is a 1% chance that there could be no humans left alive on Earth. The need to unify Ukraine is not worth this risk, even though it is a small one. If you have read my first blogs on the war, you can see that I have been consistently making this point for over a year.

    Thanks for writing.
