Friday, 27 November 2015

Conspiracies Abound!

A list of current conspiracy theories, and a few oldies, which may, with time, prove to be correct.

1. Gold.  The price of Gold is purposely manipulated to keep the price down.  This is accomplished by the slow leakage of the world's Gold reserves into the world's Gold market, with large and powerful countries cowing smaller nations into giving up their Gold one at a time to feed the manipulation. This point of this manipulation is to prevent a flight from paper currency to Gold during the greatest period of money printing in history.

Proofs - 1. Country after country, from Ukraine to Venezuela, have been surrendering their Gold reserves to the USA.  2. Obvious manipulation in the form of literally hundreds of tonnes of Gold dumped in the shorts market the minute that trading opens in the East - this was the cause of the one day price collapse in April, 2013.

2. The USA, Israel and Others Subtly Support ISIL.  The reason they are doing this is to create a counter to Iran, which seems primed to take a major geopolitical role in the Middle East.  The long term goal is to create a Sunni state in North West Iraq that will form a buffer between Israel and Iran.    

Proofs - ISIL could be destroyed in a week if the West really wanted to do it.  ISIL makes hundreds of millions of dollars off oil sales every year.  Without this cash, it could completely collapse.  This trade could be stopped by simply bombing the tanker trucks taking the contraband out of ISIL's territory, for sale by transit through the territory of our allies - Turkey, Iraq, and Kurdistan.

3.  Data Manipulation/The Age of Propaganda.  From Chinese GDP, to US employment numbers, nothing coming from governments can be believed.  Every government has perfected communications to the detriment of content, and with the goal of out and out lies.

Proofs - Chinese economic data claims are contradicted by neutral data points, like the freight indexes which suggest that China's trade has plummeted and it may actually be in a recession.  Looking behind the data from the US Government often tells a completely different story from the headlines.

4.  JFK:  There was more than one shooter, and the President was killed as a result of a conspiracy, possibly including the Mob, the CIA, the US Fed, and/or the Russians.  The US Government knows who did it.

Proofs - The official US Government position since the 1970's has been that JFK was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy.  Who these people were has not been revealed....yet.

5. 9/11:  The US Government knew that the 9/11 attack was imminent, but did nothing to stop it in the hopes it would spark support for war, especially against Saddam Hussein.

Proofs - The perpetrators of 9/11 were not from Iraq, and Iraq was not involved.  The countries from where the attackers came - Saudi Arabia and Egypt - are US allies.  The precedents are Pearl Harbor, and the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

6. Hitler did not die during WW2:  Hitler escaped Berlin as the Soviets closed in and retired to Argentina and Brazil after WW2, where he worked as a barber until his death in 1993.

Proofs - Remnants of the corpse that was supposed to be Hitler burned outside of the Bunker are available, but no one has ever taken a DNA sample.  Proving the corpse actually was Hitler would actually be easy, but no one has done it because the WW2 allies all know it wasn't him.

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