Sunday, 29 November 2015

Conspiracies Too!

A list of conspiracy theories that are not true.

1. 9/11 was an Inside Job.  It is possible that the US Government knew something was imminent before 9/11 and did little to stop it.  It is impossible that 9/11 was planned and executed by the US Government.  If you think this was the case, Google Chomsky on 9/11.

2. There are UFOs, specifically, aliens are watching us.  Have you ever noticed that those aliens seem to always appear in the late evening, usually when someone is driving home from a bar, and almost only in the USA?  Do they not appear to people in other countries, and at all hours of the day and night because they are American aliens who are holding down jobs during the day?

3.  Elvis is Still Alive.  Nope - he died, although his music lives on.  If he were alive, someone would have seen him at some point in the last 38 years.

4. AIDS was manufactured in a lab, and introduced for the express purpose of killing Black people and Homosexuals.  Maybe it WAS manufactured, but the suggestion that its purpose was killing Black people and Homosexuals is beyond insane.  How did this nasty person know who would have sex with whom once the pathogen was released?

5. The Americans did not Land on the Moon.  Yes, they did.  If they had faked this, someone would have blabbed at some point in the last 46 years.

6. Autism comes from vaccinations.  There was a claimed connection between vaccinations and autism in the British medical journal Lancet at one point that has been repudiated and withdrawn owing to academic fraud. The connection is entirely unproven.  Where autism does come from is a legitimate question, however.

7. Global Warming was invented by former Communists after they lost the Cold War as a new way to seek world domination.  This isn;t hard.  Humans add 100 million tonnes of Carbon Dioxide to the world's atmosphere every single day, over and above what is added by Mother Nature.  It is inconceivable that adding that much carbon to the atmosphere has no effect on the climate.  The change is all around for everyone to see if they care to look.

8. The Holocaust didn't happen, but was invented by Jews to assist in their attempt to obtain World Domination.  It is not clear how claiming to have been slaughtered in a planned killing on an industrial scale leads to world domination.  A simple review of how many Jewish people were in Europe in 1939 compared to 1945, coupled with the Nazi philosophy on race should suffice to put this theory to bed...without even mentioning the literally hundreds of thousands of eyewitnesses who saw what happened and lived to pay witness to this insanity.  The point of denial is hopeful repetition.

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