Tuesday 7 June 2016

Random Thoughts

The Markets and a Bad Economy: The stock markets are moving sharply higher on a very negative employment report in the USA as there is an expectation that this will cause the US Fed to hold off raising interest rates this month.  So a bad economy is good for the stock market because it means the free money will keep flowing.

Clinton and Super Delegates: Clinton now has the support of 2,383 delegates, and is being proclaimed the Democratic presidential nominee, as this matches the number of delegates needed to win the nomination.  But 571 of those delegates are "super delegates" who have not been elected by anyone.  If she wins at the convention, it will be a 100% insider victory.  Sanders is right to point our that no one knows how these people will actually vote yet.  If they change their minds, Sanders is the nominee...over to you, FBI.

Trump and Contempt of Court: Trump has asserted that Judge Curiel, who is overseeing a case against his now defunct university, is biased against him because he is "Mexican", even though he was born in Indiana. This would be contempt of court just about anywhere else in the world, but in California, to be contempt of court, these outrageous comments would have to actually be made in court, during an actual court proceeding. Trump must know this...it is open season on the judge who, as a judicial official, cannot respond to this disgusting slander. What would he say about Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor if she dared to side with other justices against a Trumpian executive action should he ever become president?  

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