Saturday 1 April 2017

Trump - Obama and Mob Rule

So, what do we know....basically.

Trump's associates were in contact with Russian hackers, who were likely working on behalf of the Russian Government, both prior to and during the Wiki Leaks that largely (and quite properly) destroyed Hillary Clinton's latest run at the White House.

Obama's White House was revealing the names of Americans who were picked up in wiretaps of Russians, and they were reading and distributing the contents of the conversations in order to try to respond to the Wiki Leaks to help Clinton, and/or to gain an electoral advantage over Trump.

All of this activity is illegal.

Basically, every one of these fuc*&rs has been operating like America is an enlarged version of the Cosa Nostra.  It is as if the American Establishment watched a documentary about Watergate, then openly asked..." what was the point of all of this again?"

What if EVERYONE is a crook?

And with that, what does the world look like at the end of an empire?  Basically...this.

But take heart.  America's rebirth is coming - the essential genius underpinning American Democracy, and the obvious greatness of the American People will stand for no less.

But this rebirth will not come from anyone associated with these criminal scumbags.

Image result for cosa nostra

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