Saturday 28 October 2017


This was simple. The formation and use of a Grand Jury in the investigation of the allegations surrounding President Trump and his associates meant, without question, that there would be charges at some point. The news this am is that charges are indeed pending.

At this point, we do not know who will be charged first. This space has argued that it will be Flynn first, followed by Manafort, then Kushner and Trump Jr., and that Trump's presidency could not survive such a turn of events. We shall see.

The Left in the USA will be all "aTwitter" over this news. Keep in mind that Trump is a symptom of a massive disconnect between the American People and the American Establishment - both Right and Left - which clearly includes most journalists in the bought and paid-for American press.

Trump will be gone, but the disconnect will remain. The next US President may see the Left pining for the good ole days of The Donald.

The wild ride is about to begin. Hang on to your hats!

Image result for kitten on amusement park ride

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