Monday 30 October 2017

RT and Trump

The Manafort charges have sparked a wide range of media commentary across the world.

RT is the Russian propaganda network - literally hundreds of millions of dollars a year are poured into this network to push Russia's political perspectives worldwide, including in the USA.

Some of the programming, especially the work of independent journalists working in the undeveloped and underdeveloped world, is well worth watching. You will not see what they produce on CNN or CNBC. Much of the rest is Kremlin-directed filler, spewed by American journalists who will likely never work in the mainstream media.

Trump's White House has responded to the charges using a range of canned communication lines, from misrepresenting Manafort's role in the campaign to asserting that Papodopoulos was a minor figure in the campaign, at best. 

What is somewhat strange, or even eerie, is that the paid-for talking heads on RT are saying virtually the same thing as the Trump White House about those charges.

Is it possible that the talking points of the White House and those of Russia's propaganda network have been somehow coordinated? The suggestion seems absolutely outlandish, but will it seem outlandish after the revelations that are certainly coming about the Russian connection in the next weeks and months?

We shall see.

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