Tuesday 2 October 2018

Kavanaugh and Mueller

Trump has called in the FBI to look into the Kavanaugh matter. This is a potentially dire development for Mueller's probe.

Trump's White House is directing the length of the Kavanaugh FBI probe, and even tried to direct who the FBI would be permitted to interview and what evidence it may consider in conducting its probe. It is obvious that Trump is testing out ability to manage the Mueller probe here. (Has Rosenstein effectively stepped aside, allowing Trump's minions to take over?)

No matter what may be the results of the Kavanaugh probe, expect this development to embolden Trump in his handling of the FBI, especially after the mid-term elections in November.

It may be time for Mueller to issue his first public statement, designed to make it politically impossible for Trump to attempt to shut down the investigation. 

"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." It is just about "go time" for Mueller.    

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