Tuesday 2 October 2018


Powerful people are often subjected to a range of accusations, especially allegations of sexual misconduct decades after events supposedly occurred. Most are truthful, and some are not.

Women will often wait decades before coming forward with tales of abuse, with their need to come forward triggered by some person, place, thing or change in life that gives them the courage to speak out. Their stories are true.

When allegations of abuse are made, which allegedly occurred long ago, one simple approach is to wait for developments before rushing to judgement. Abusers usually have multiple victims, and when one of their victims comes out with their tale of abuse, this usually helps others to come forward as well.

And so, we need to wait a while. 

There are now three women accusing Kavanaugh of abuse now. He is on the bubble. The allegations range from assault to that he may have exposed himself. A few more, and he needs to be rejected. 

Note that he has a right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty...at a criminal trial. Some are mentioning this in reference to Kananaugh's situation. There will be no trial here, as this is not a criminal law process. But the comparison is misleading.

This is about the confirmation of a future justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The standard for approval must go way beyond that of a base criminal law test. He must meet or beat a standard equivalent to the highest ethical and legal standards of any person going into public office in the USA.  

If I had a vote, we would be looking for a replacement.  

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