Sunday 20 January 2019

Collusion As A Tragedy AND A Farce...

Marx famously said that, "History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, and then as a farce."

The history of the Trump Campaign's collusion with Russia is breaking new ground, emerging both as a tragedy and as a farce at the same time!

Last week, when commenting on the fact that Manafort shared polling data with the Russians when he was the Trump Campaign's campaign manager, Rudy Giuliani admitted on CNN that the Trump Campaign DID collude, just that Trump did not.

Please see this previous blog...

We are almost at the point where the Trump Camp will openly admit to collusion on the part of some, but maintain that their man had no personal knowledge of this collusion.

Query - will Trump throw everyone associated with this sad affair under the bus to save his skin, maintaining that he did not know?  

Expect Giuliani to be gone from the scene fairly soon...he well understands the devastating implications of the revelation that Manafort shared polling data with the Russians, and America's Mayor wants to be able to show his face in his country after this sad episode in US history is said and done.

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