Johnson led the Tories to an historic romp, not only of Labour and the anti-Brexit British, but also and more importantly, he thrashed to death the Europhile arm of the British Conservative Party.
The internecine battle between the Europhiles and Eurosceptics in that party was one main driver behind Brexit; that battle has been underway for almost fifty years. It is now over.
With the Europhiles utterly destroyed, Britain will leave Europe, and at the same time, the Eurosceptics will be free to rebuild the Conservative Party and even the country based on a cult of unabashed ENGLISH nationalism!
Huzzah! What could possibly go wrong!??
Well, for one, most Scots don't give one tot or twittle for the English. And the rational economic move for the Northern Irish is to join the Republic to the South in order to maintain access to the massive market that is may be that only Boris Johnson could have united Ireland!
The lasting effect of this Brexit victory will be that the "UK" may become the "K"....less the "U"....except for Wales.
Corbyn also played his role, perfectly.
Like Stalin before him, who faced the possibility of 15 million dead people from starvation in Ukraine from collectivization policies in the early 1930's, and like Mao who faced the prospect of millions more dead from starvation as a result of the disaster that was his first Five Year Plan in the late 1950's, HE NEVER WAVERED!
For Corbyn, it was and always will be Socialism or BUST! It was bust...his party and the country lost...both his orthodoxy and Corbyn personally will be OK.
Know that Corbyn well understood that his refusal to ever bend or break in his slavish adherence to socialist orthodoxy meant that normal Britons had a stark choice in the election last week - the unknown that is Brexit, versus that of becoming the Soviet Union circa 1973. They knew what the second choice meant, and opted instead for a leap into the unknown. Were the pubs open on voting day? I expect they did a booming business.
And, of course, Putin played his role as well.
The massive manipulation of social media by Russia was a primary reason why the first Brexit referendum was a success - the disreputable perps at Cambridge Analytica should have been charged with treason. I think they may still face such a plight, as Johnson and Putin no longer need them, and Johnson will need to make a show of distancing himself from this utter scum.
Last week, Putin not only oversaw the start of the break up of Europe, but he may also get the break up of the United Kingdom as well!
Huzzah, indeed!
But is this Master of Disaster redoing his sums?
A Europe without Britain could open the possibility of a rapprochement that could see the complete abandonment of Ukraine to Russia by Europe in return for access the oil and resources of Russia. Surely the most anti-Russian country on or near the continent - outside of those countries actually bordering Russia - is Britain. With that country out of Europe and perhaps about to be consigned to the dustbin of history, anything may be possible between Europe and Russia.
And so, December 12, 2019, was a great day for Johnson and Eurosceptics...
....but it was an AMAZING day for Putin and Russia!!!
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