What do we know.
1. Outcome: Trump will be acquitted.
2. Proceedings 1: There was no "trial" as is commonly understood.
3. Corruption 1: There was a "quid pro quo". Even numerous Republican Senators now admit that the case was proven, even without witnesses.
In short, the President of the United States attempted to use his office to illicitly influence a future election by arranging for a foreign government to investigate a political opponent.
4. Proceedings 2: As it turned out, there was no need of witnesses, as the prosecution in this "trial" actually proved its case, as was clear from what many Republicans have admitted.
5. Corruption 2: It is very likely that Trump will now see a carte blanche to go after political opponents in ways no president has ever done before. We may expect the Bidens to be investigated by Ukraine, China and others. There may also be trumped-up investigations of these people and others by the Department of Justice and the FBI, urged by AG Barr. Giuliani is about to go into overdrive!
6. Retribution and Revenge: The whistle blower will be "outed" and dealt with viciously as an example to others. Barr may even start a criminal investigation of this person, and others who testified against Trump in the House of Representatives, to emphasize the point that when anyone sees malfeasance in Trump's government, they are shut their mouths. Without question, the careers of these bureaucrats are over. They will be hounded in private life as well.
7. Bolton: He will lose security access and be set up for special retribution and revenge, possibly including a criminal investigation, again courtesy of AG Barr. Trump may sue him personally for slander to maintain the fiction that there was no "quid pro quo".
8. Election 2020: As with the 2016 election, the encrypted communications have already been flowing between Trump et al and the Russians to coordinate efforts to subvert the next election. They will be even better prepared this time.
I'm still calling for President-elect Bloomberg later this year.
Fingers crossed that you will be right! (Still only nine of us enjoying your wisdom and acerbic wit.)