Saturday, 8 February 2020


I noted this in my last post...

6. Retribution and Revenge: The whistle blower will be "outed" and dealt with viciously as an example to others. Barr may even start a criminal investigation of this person, and others who testified against Trump in the House of Representatives, to emphasize the point that when anyone sees malfeasance in Trump's government, they are to shut their mouths. Without question, the careers of these bureaucrats are over. They will be hounded in private life as well.

Yesterday, Col. Vindman, who testified about the details of a call between Trump and the President of Ukraine in the impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives, was escorted out of the White House as part of being fired in his job as advisor to the National Security Council on Ukraine.

As well, we learned that Ambassador Sondland, who also told what he knew about the attempt to subvert American Democracy to the House of Representatives, was fired as Ambassador to the European Union.

There is no precedent for something this totally blatant and vicious in recent US political history - it is out and out revenge, plain and simple..

Call it the Triumph of Truthiness!   

Trump knows no one will stop him now. The bureaucratic bloodbath is just starting.  

Next step - the whistle blower will be brought before at least one committee in the Republican Senate to be torn asunder. 

Certainly, virtually the minute his identity is confirmed, his phone number, e-mail address and home address will be blasted everywhere in cyberspace, where Trump's more dedicated followers are no doubt primed to take action. 

Will this person be assassinated? 

I think the chances are 50/50.


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