Sunday 3 January 2021

2021 Predictions!

Hi all!  Here we are again....predictions!



Blue Jays will make the playoffs, but lose in the first pound/playoff game.




LA again.


COVID-19 will subside....everything will do well, for two months, then recession.

Stock markets will keep rocketing until March....then 30% drop.


Cda federal election....Liberal majority. 185 seats. Trudeau resigns.


USA - Trump tries to flee to Brazil, but is stopped and arrested for fed election law and tax issues. Then arrested for money laundering issues. Gets 15 years by the end of 2022.

Biden will prove to be barely competent....lots of good intentions, but issues with delivering the goods. The tone of US politics will slowly calm down, which will be his biggest accomplishment.

UK - Scotland will cause trouble...expect turmoil for years.  The economy will slump.

Europe - Italy will renew threat to leave. It will stay. Expect the formation of a European Army in three years.  Borders will close to African/other migrants, and many will be sent home.

China - PLA will enter Hong Kong to suppress freedom; may also fire on demonstrators fighting environmental damage.  Cult of personality will require people to swear allegiance to President Xi. Will blame the USA for COVID-19.


GHG emissions will slow and drop outside of a crisis for the first time ever,

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