Wednesday, 6 January 2021

The Terminator!

From The Terminator...

Key quote...

"Claims of mass voter fraud have been rejected by court after court (59 cases were thrown out of courts including the Supreme Court), by the Department of Justice and by state election officials from both parties. There is no question about who won the presidential election and continuing this charade is stupid, crazy and evil."

Note that all of the claims about voting machines, and destroyed ballots and dead people voting were made in these lawsuits...these claims are obviously false. 

Trump's basic assertion that REPUBLICAN officials in states like Georgia and Arizona perpetrated or permitted a fraudulent election to overturn a Republican president, which is what he effectively claims, is insane.

In normal times, Trump's telephone call asking officials in Georgia to "find" votes to overturn a fair and free election would warrant immediate and successful impeachment proceedings, but he has so dulled our senses to what is right and normal that he got away with it. He has set a very dangerous precedent for the future.

American democracy has never been tested like this.


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