Friday 14 September 2018

Deal!!! Manafort Flips Out!

It happened. 

One of the three men at the infamous June, 2016 meeting with what we now know were Russian officials will spill the beans. If there was collusion, we will now find out.  

This is the second last piece of the puzzle, next up...Hope Hicks.

The political effect? 

1. Trump's Teflon should start to peel off as Manafort's evidence is revealed. 

2. This latest flip changes everyone's calculus - I can see Republican rats fleeing the good ship Trump even now!

It seems clear now that Trump has no loyalty to any of the people who worked for him...he will not pardon anyone. 

For all his bluster, he is afraid to use the tools available to him -pardons and firing people. 

He is no Al Capone, who would have made this all go away long ago.
Image result for al capone

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