Monday 24 September 2018

Rosenstein's 25th

The NYT has reported that Rosenstein mused about recording the chaos in the White House as a precursor to launching a 25th Amendment impeachment of Trump - basically alleging that he is unfit for office, and unable to carry on his duties.

Rosenstein has issued a public statement to the effect that he denies this report, and he confirms that Trump should not be removed based on the 25th Amendment. There is some discussion in the press that he perhaps joked about this at some point.

No matter who is in the White House, for anyone who works in the administration of justice to even joke about invoking the 25th Amendment is so serious that it warrants immediate dismissal. It speaks of an almost unbelievable level of arrogance, and a basic misunderstanding of who is in charge. Even Trump deserves some level of loyalty - he is the elected President of the United States of America, after all.

And yet...Trump has still not fired Rosenstein, in spite of a situation in which ANY president would be within his or her rights to send him packing!

What will it take for Trump to start to use the tools he has to defend his presidency - firings, pardons, appointing someone to look at the Clintons?!! 

I am not on the man's side, but this is getting embarrassing!


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