Sunday 16 September 2018

What Manafort Knows

Was there collusion with the Russians?

"Collusion" in this situation would mean a tentative agreement to relax sanctions on Russia that were imposed after they annexed Crimea once Trump became president, in return for information against Hillary Clinton that would destroy her, and hand the presidency of the USA to Donald Trump. 

In this situation, "collusion", which many have said is not a crime, would equate to "Conspiracy against the USA" or even "Treason", both of which are very definitely crimes.

Donald Trump Jr. was told that the Russians had dirt on Clinton that would bury her on June 3, 2016, and he responded with an e-mail saying that if this were true,"I love it." The meeting with the Russians occurred on June 9, 2016.

What happened in the six days between the Trump Campaign finding out that the Russians may have been able to hand them the presidency by giving them information that would destroy Clinton, and the meeting itself? This is the time frame in which a deal would have been at least tentatively hashed out between the Russians and the Trump Campaign.

Manafort would have been front and centre in any such discussions. He knows what transpired during this crucial time frame, and he may even have negotiated it on behalf of Trump, obviously with the full knowledge of his son and son-in-law.

"Six days in June" may soon become as important to American political history as the 18 minutes of missing audio tape before it, except that this time someone who knows about what happened during that time frame is willing to talk to the FBI about it.

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