Saturday, 8 December 2018

From "No Contact" to "No Collusion" to "No Knowledge"!!

Trump is on the ropes.  

His former associates will testify that there were on-going contacts with the Russians while he was running for office, directly contradicting his first line of defence, which was that there was "No Contact" between these two parties. He has not said "No Contact" in at least 18 months now, having moved on to effectively saying, "Yes, there may have been Contact, but there was NO COLLUSION!!"

The sentencing submission filed by Mueller in Cohen's sentencing says that there were on-going attempts to do a deal to build a Trump Tower in Russia during the campaign, and that the Russians were actively seeking to use the business dealings as a spring-board for a political relationship. What they were offering seems crystal clear - "You play ball on US foreign policy toward Russia once you are president, and we will make that Trump Tower you want so badly happen."

As noted here, I think it is likely that there was probably a different deal as well - if the Russians could produce information that would bury Clinton and hand Trump the presidency, he would relax sanctions on them once he was in office.

If Trump and company took this bait and/or made these deals, even tentatively, they would have been a sell-out of America, plain and simple, and also clear and unadulterated "Collusion". 

Expect a third line of defence to emerge very soon, with Trump going from "NO COLLUSION", to "I had NO KNOWLEDGE of what my associates were doing!" Welcome to the second last refuge of a scoundrel, "My underlings did it!"

And after that defence collapses, as it definitely will in the face of Mueller's exhaustive understanding of precisely who knew what, and when...then what???


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