Saturday 1 December 2018

Mystery Witness

See here...

The mystery witness received a subpoena in August - the same month that Hope Hicks resurfaced and took her ride on Air Force One with President Trump.

This is now flying through the courts - the only judicial recusal is a Trump appointee.

Trump cannot have Hope Hicks turn state's witness, or even testify about what she knows under duress. She knows everything. She apparently kept notes of her every interaction with Trump. She is the smoking gun. 

He likely promised to protect her during their flight, and he got her a job at Fox News so she can continue to pay her legal bills. 

But this subpoena will not be quashed. 

I would expect that Mueller will concentrate on small fry like Stone until her has her testimony. I would also expect her to sing like a canary once she is finally cornered.

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