Friday 12 April 2019

Brit Con Brexit Dream

There is high political drama in the UK these days!  

To help out our British Conservative colleagues and to carve a path forward for their bizarre understanding of what may be in store for Britain after a hard Brexit - "a wild ride back to 1923, with our empire reborn and the world as our oyster!".. I thought I may craft some possible solutions to help them to get past their present and future troubles on the way to a Free Britain, post-Brexit.  

Hint - It is all about ruling the waves, again!

1. Northern Ireland: With Brexit, we may see a return to a hard border between the North and the Republic. No one wants that, and if the Rep of Ireland were to be forcibly reintegrated into the Union, I don’t think there would be a “border” problem anymore. Dublin is on the coast.

Problem – Border
Answer – Gunboats

2. Customs Union: It is not clear who the Brits will trade with if they are cut off from Europe. They could try to re-establish the trade relationships that they had prior to 1939, when the ruled the world!

Problem – Trade
Answer – Gunboats

3. Foreign Nationals/British Subjects: Not clear what are the rights of foreigners in the UK, and what are the rights of British Subjects in Europe. It is important that the UK only receive wealthy immigrants who bring investment dollars, and that the Brits be permitted to buy cheap land in Spain for holidays. This could be a tense negotiation, but there are a number of waterways between Brussels and the sea coast.

Problem – Migration
Answer – Gunboats

4. Scotland: The Scots did not vote to stay in a UK outside of the EU. Glasgow is accessible from the sea.

Problem – Secession
Answer – Gunboats

5. Payments: The EU is demanding £39 Billion in order to allow the Brits to leave. Again, Brussels is accessible by water.

Problem – Cost of Brexit
Answer – Gunboats

6. Security Relationship: The Brits and the EU are closely related on security issues, from crime to terrorism to national security, and British security would have to be addressed after Brexit. Britain is an island nation.

Problem – Security
Answer – More Gunboats

7. Health:  About 11% of UK doctors are from the EU – they could leave should Brexit go ahead. There is nothing healthier than spending years and years on voyages at sea.

Problem – Health
Answer – More Gunboats, and Press Gangs for unhealthy subjects

8. Science: The EU spends a lot on British science, and this funding could evaporate if Brexit goes ahead. The next EuroSceince Open Forum – the largest gathering of EU scientists each year – is to be held in Toulouse. Toulouse is only 200 km from the coast by water.

Problem – Science
Answer – Gunboats

This is all about “innovation” people – looking “outside the box”.

Always glad to help.

Hail Britannia!

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