Sunday, 21 April 2019

Will Mueller Speak?

The Report is out. Almost none of the questions posed in the following post are answered. It is amazing that Trump Jr. was not indicted - did Barr have something to do with this?

What we do know is that there is no evidence of Collusion - except for Manafort sharing polling data with Russians. I should add that the Obstruction of Justice angle is irrelevant - no one cares. If there is no evidence of Collusion, then this was a bust.

So, what comes next?

Trump has to find another bogeyman around which he will focus the attention of supporters. 

He mobilizes people through hatred of the very Establishment of which he has always been a part, and the investigation was portrayed by him as government out of control - there are no good people in the FBI, just angry Democrats. 

He is fairly desperately trying to keep this diversion alive. It will subside with time, and focus will start on the economy which could go into recession before the next presidential election, which would be a disaster for him.

The Democrats now need to find a reason to exist. 

They mostly stand for nothing now other than their opposition to Trump. They have an opportunity with their leadership contest to define themselves for the American people, but the rot of decades of "politics by special interest group" may be too deep for these people - they don't know how to stand up for everyone. 

A Clinton clone would be a tragedy. Most of their main candidates slightly lead Trump in polls - as with Clinton, this is theirs to lose....but they may very well do so if they do not get their act together.

The wild card now is Mueller himself.  

He should be free to discuss the report and investigation now, and I think he is guaranteed to be summoned by Congress. As predicted before, I think his testimony could be electric - we may hear him respond to Trump's shameless "assassination by Tweet" of the integrity of the FBI and others, and he may pointedly ask why the President of the United States is doing nothing in the face of a mass of evidence and bipartisan agreement that Russia tried to subvert democracy in the USA.

Again - this is not over.

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