Tuesday, 16 April 2019

The Report is Coming!

The Mueller Report will be released on Thursday, with certain information redacted.


1. Why was Trump Jr. not indicted for lying to Congress, which is a crime that he obviously committed?

2. What is the full explanation of the June 9, 2016 meeting between Trump Jr., Manafort and Kushner, and a Russian lawyer who was in the pay of the Russian government? Specifically, will we see the complete history of how this meeting was set up - what precisely happened between Trump Jr., finding about the Russian offer to supply information and the meeting itself six days later - the "Six Days in June" that I have referred to? 

3. Will we see all e-mails and text messages relating to this pre-meeting discussion - which could have been an actual negotiation regarding what the Russians could expect if the information they offered would be good enough to bury Clinton and hand Trump the presidency?

4. How is it possible that Hope Hicks is escaping any liability whatsoever here, after admitting following a nine-hour grilling by Congress that she told "while lies" on behalf of Trump??  

5. What information exists related to Flynn that caused a judge to essentially call him a traitor at his sentencing hearing, rejecting Mueller's sentencing proposal?

6. How much information about the investigation into Flynn did Trump have when he fired Comey, perhaps strongly suggesting that he obstructed justice?

7. Is anyone else implicated here - did others also cooperate with Russia who we have not heard about?

8. Did Manafort do anything else to collude with Russia, beyond sharing polling data with them, which even Guiliani has called "collusion"?  

9. Regarding Manafort, is there any evidence that he was coerced by Russia into not cooperating with Mueller, thereby costing Mueller his most crucial witness?

10. We know that Russia interfered in the US presidential election in 2016. Is there any information in the report that could point to why the only person who seems to not believe this is he president of the United States?

11. What was Assange's role here - why does Wikileaks only seem to ever release information about the West, and is there any link between the planned release of this report, and his recent arrest? In short, is he really a Russian stooge?

12. Was Seth Rich murdered to draw attention away from Russian hacking of the DNC - and is Assange, who offered money in return for information leading to the arrest of the perpetrators perhaps as part of the cover story, an accomplice?

13. Is there evidence of Trump's possible real estate shenanigans, and/or his financial relationship with Russia in the 1990's contained in the report, courtesy of Mr. Cohen?

This isn't over....

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