Saturday, 20 July 2019

Questions for Mueller

Robert Mueller will appear before Congress on July 24th to speak to his report into Russian interference in the last presidential election.  

Here are some questions that I would love to see him asked…

1. The Origins of the Investigation: "Did the Steele Dossier have anything at all to do with your investigation, either its inception of as a source of evidence for the investigation itself?"

Note - Trump's shills in the media have alleged for years that the Mueller investigation was prompted by the Steele Dossier. It is important to put this lie to rest, as the purpose of this is to suggest that they entire investigation is illegitimate as it was somehow a Clinton/Democratic Party/"deep state" set-up. Not true.

2. Barr's Bona Fides I: "Shortly after Barr was made Attorney General, the issuing of indictments by your office stopped, and in particular, all speculation that the President's son may be indicted for lying to Congress came to an end. Of course, you did not recommend any indictments against him. Were you ever considering recommending such indictments, and Did Barr order you to not pursue any indictments against Trump Jr.?"

Note - Barr was made Attorney General for the sole purpose of limiting then shut down the investigation, which is what he did. This needs to be brought into the light of public scrutiny.

3. Barr's Bona Fides II: "Before your report became public, Attorney General Barr issued an exceptionally misleading summary of the report that you attempted to correct in a letter that you sent to him personally shortly thereafter. Would you please outline your concerns with Barr’s summary of your report, and highlight its many inaccuracies."

Note - See above - it is important to note that Barr serves Trump personally, not the American people or justice.

4. Premeditated Obstruction: "You have noted that your investigation was limited, in part because of the use of encryption technology by some of the persons of interest.  Can you describe the effects of use of encryption and especially how damaging was this attempt to hide secret communications to your investigation?"

Note - Trump and his shills have claimed that the report exonerates him. It is important to note that his minions successfully thwarted the investigation through the use of the same technology used by secret government agencies; drug dealers and money launderers; and child pornographers to hide what they are actually doing from scrutiny by authorities. This was not a complete investigation so there can be no actual exoneration.

5. Trump's Tweets and Obstruction of Justice: The broadest definition of Obstruction of Justice contained in Chapter 73 of Title 18 of the United States Code, referred to the Omnibus Clause, defines Obstruction of Justice to include anyone who ‘corruptly... endeavours to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice" in connection with a pending court proceeding.’ Throughout your investigation, President Trump used his Twitter account to attack the investigation, the persons working for you, and to attack you personally in an obvious attempt to derail what you were doing. Do you believe that this relentless attack on your and your investigation qualifies as Obstruction of Justice according to the Omnibus Clause?"

Note - Trump's relentless assault on law enforcement in the United States has no precedent in American history. The man has no resepct for the Rule of Law. The public needs to understand how unethical and morally challenged the President actually is, and to have this in their minds as they head to the polls next year.

6. Obstruction of Justice II: "A total of 417 federal prosecutors have read your report and have gone on record as stating that from what they read, there is enough evidence to support a charge of Obstruction of Justice against Donald Trump. To be clear, if he was not the sitting president and therefore if he was not protected by Department of Justice policy against charging sitting presidents with crimes, would you agree with these people - would you have pursued an indictment for Obstruction of Justice?"

Note - Trump obstructed justice - this needs to be made clear to the American people.

7. Collusion: “You have explained that collusion is irrelevant, and that you were looking into possible criminal conspiracy in the form of cooperation between the Trump Campaign and the Russians to subvert American democracy. While you did not find enough evidence to proceed with a criminal indictment against anyone, your report does suggest that you did find some evidence of conspiracy and cooperation between the Trump Campaign and Russia. Would you please outline for this committee the specifics of the evidence of cooperation between the Trump Campaign and Russia during the last presidential election?

Note - ANY level of cooperation between Russia and the Trump Campaign is exceptionally disturbing. The public needs to be aware of all of it, even if Mueller does not think there is enough evidence to meet a strict criminal law test of culpability.

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