Wednesday, 3 July 2019


Stuff I heard recently and what it really means.

You can now get $20,000 off a brand new 2018 Ford F-150 – that’s down from the retail price last year of $55,000, fully loaded!”

Meaning – the $55,000 F-150 anyone bought less than 6 months ago is now worth only $35,000.

The Tampa Bay Rays had their lowest attendance at a game ever last week, at under 5,800 fans.”

Meaning – Americans are tapped out again in terms of their disposable income and their ability to keep borrowing…welcome to the start of the next recession.

Uber lost $1 Billion last quarter.”

Meaning – Uber lost $1 Billion last quarter.

OPEC needs to cut oil output owing to decreasing demand for oil…

Meaning – We are at the start of a worldwide recession, likely led by China.

“Companies on the TSX bought back their stock on the open market at more than twice the previous rate, at a total of over $50 Billion in 2018…”

Meaning – The Swindle Continues, but North of the border this time; the stock market is a bubble, only driven by stock buy-backs that are perpetrated to drive stock prices up so corporate management can blow out options with higher profits.

Trump threatens Google, Facebook and Twitter…”

Meaning – The Russians have signaled to Trump that they will help him win again in 2020, and he is clearing the deck for more pro-Trump, Russian propaganda by using the power of the presidency to cow the main social media outlets into accepting Russia's lies.

“Trump backs off on Huawei threat…”

Meaning – President Xi promised to back the building of a new Trump Tower in Beijing.

"Gold is at it's highest prices in six years!"
Meaning - The US Fed went on summer vacation.

"Bitcoin is up 50% in a month!"

Meaning - See comment re Gold, immediately above.

"Kamala Harris won the second Democratic candidate's debate!"

Meaning - Vice President Harris becomes the President in 2021, after an obscure court filing from 1996 is made public confirming that President Sanders has actually been dead for 23 years.

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