Saturday 16 November 2019


See here...

A quote..."In 2015, China publicly promised it would no longer source organs from executed prisoners, previously almost its sole source."

So as late as four years ago, they admitted that they harvested executed humans for their parts -livers, kidneys,etc, which were sold for profit. 

Some background for you...

A quote..."Reports on systematic organ harvesting from Falun Gong prisoners first emerged in 2006, though the practice is thought by some to have started six years earlier. Several researchers—most notably Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas, former parliamentarian David Kilgour and investigative journalist Ethan Gutmannestimate that tens of thousands of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience have been killed to supply a lucrative trade in human organs and cadavers and that these abuses may be ongoing."

This is real folks.  We don't even have a name for this crime.

Should we have ANY relationship with a country that imprisons and kills humans to harvest their parts for profit?

Image result for soylent and green is people cartoon

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