Friday, 3 April 2020


We are in the midst of a worldwide pandemic.

Some thoughts...

Numbers: The world topped 1 million infected yesterday. These are only people who have been tested for COVID 19. People who show no or few symptoms are usually not tested, and as most people who catch this malady will show few or no symptoms, it stand to reason that the 1 million reported infected persons is likely a very low number.

This matters because...

Death Rate: The reported death rate has ranged from a low of under 1% to a high of over 5%. If we are not testing the majority of persons who catch this malady and we only test those who present serious symptoms, then the reported death rate is not the death rate from COVID 19, but it is closer to the death rate amongst those who presented serious symptoms and who were tested for COVID 19, which is a small subset of all of those who caught COVID 19. Once this is over, we will be able to calculate the actual death rate from COVID is very likely that it is not nearly as high as is being reported.

This matter because...

Actions Taken: The reported death rate is a prime driver behind all of the public health actions being taken to stop the virus, which actions have largely shut down the Western World. These actions are doing enough damage the the world's economy to potentially cause a permanent decline in living standards worldwide. 

This matters because...

Living Differently: People are learning how to live quite differently - walking more; cooking at home more; working at home; spending time with family; not travelling. The "extras" that we used to pay for like vacations and dining out have disappeared. With a serious economic decline they will not come back any time soon, not because of COVID 19, but because we will not be able to afford them.

This matters because...

Mother Nature: The COVID 19 crisis and the world's response will mark the largest reduction on Greenhouse Gas emissions ever. There will be a significant push to continue to live a more environmentally-friendly way once this is over... 

Hopefully we are wise enough to take advantage of this opportunity.

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