Tuesday 1 September 2020

Biden' Response to Trump

Biden has an excellent response to Trump's allegation that Americans will not be safe in Biden's America. In fact, it is Trump's America that is falling apart, by design...see here...


While the response is excellent, you need to understand that this interaction with the utterly indigestible Anderson Cooper was staged. We learned about how closely the Clinton News Network works with the Democrats from Wikileaks - this no doubt continues. The soft-ball questions that were asked would have been arranged or provided in advance.

Worse than that, if you look closely, you will see that Biden is actually reading from a teleprompter. This suggests that he and his political advisors may not think he can handle even a simple interview by a favourable news source unaided.

Biden looked very good in his speech at the DNC, but if I were a Democrat supporter in the USA, I would be wondering how this guy is going to debate Donald Trump.

Fact - Biden is a much-reduced man compared to who he was even five years ago. Then again, FDR was almost dead when he won his last election and managed to win America's greatest war.

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