Friday 16 August 2024

Trump and Harris - Bribery for Votes

Trump and Harris have started releasing their respective lists of bribes - in the form of economic policies - that they will extend to voters in their attempts to win the 2024 US presidential election.

Initial bribes are as follows...

Harris would offer $25,000 to new home buyers, as well as attacking price gouging of consumers of food and drugs by multinational corporations. 

She would spend $40 Billion to help local governments build starter homes. 

She would make the Child Tax Benefit permanent, and would cut the taxes of poor people with children by $1,500 and would offer a $6,000 tax credit to families with newborns.

Trump would stop taxing tips received by service workers. About 25 million people in the USA are service workers, with a significant majority being women. 

Harris's plan is an expansion of much of what the US Government is already doing. 

Trump's plan just might get him the vote of every single service worker in the country!

So far, Trump's plan would clearly move the most votes to the GOP.

Note to political matters.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Ukraine War Update - Peace Talks May Be Close

What follows is a commentary on the current state of the war in Ukraine, especially in light of Ukraine's recent attack into Russia itself.

Please see here...

Which contains this...

"Ukrainian commanders are crying out for more combat soldiers — one estimate from the former top commander, Valeriy Zaluzhny suggested they’d need an extra 500,000 troops. But Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian parliament are hesitant about ordering a massive fresh call-up. In an interview with POLITICO, Yermak, the powerful Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine,  offered an important — and to outsiders perhaps surprising — reason for not launching a mass mobilizationsuch a call-up wouldn’t have the backing of the people."

The recent offensive into Russia was probably launched, in part, to improve flagging Ukrainian spirits. Nonetheless, the Ukrainian army will not get the soldiers it needs to win this war because the population of Ukraine would not support such a call-up.

No elections can be held in Ukraine as martial law was declared in 2022. With millions of people still out of the country, they probably could not be organized anyway.

But what if they could? 

Would Ukrainians still support this war if they were told it requires the call-up of another 500,000 men, and likely many more years of renewed effort, and they were allowed to vote on it?

According to the above article, very likely no, and the Government of Ukraine knows it.

Then there is this...

The recent US aid package is not nearly enough to enable Ukraine to defeat Russia, even if it had the manpower in place.

Reality - If winning means regaining the Donbas and Crimea, and not just surviving, other than the demise of Putin there is no obvious way in which Ukraine can win this war.

Does Zelenskyy understand this now? 

After Ukraine's repeat of the Battle of the Somme last summer, and the endless bloodletting of the Ukrainian Army trying to stop Russian attacks this summer, he likely does. 

This recent attack on Russia is designed to strengthen his bargaining position in peace talks that he thinks need to start in the autumn, as he realizes that, regardless of who wins the US Presidential election, this is over.

We shall see.

Monday 12 August 2024

US Presidential Election - Fearless Prediction!!

Hello All!  

We are going to call it!  

To heck with CNN and Fox and the Deep State (😉)! 

The editorial board here at will call the US Presidential Election for you right now, three months before the vote! 

Drum roll please...

In the closest election in American history, Kamala Harris will win the US Presidential Election by 270 Electoral College votes to Donald Trump's 268.

The entire election will come down to the vote in Pennsylvania, which Harris will win by less that 0.5% of the popular vote.

Trump will not accept the results of the election, but J.D. Vance will, effectively nullifying Trump's vigorous opposition to the verdict of the electorate.

Bonus prediction!

President Kamala Harris will be a catastrophe as President, overseeing a devastating recession; vacillating on the international stage to the detriment of American and allied security; as well as being completely ineffective in the face of serious internal political strife occasioned by a widening US culture war, clearing the way for President Nikki Haley in 2028.

Friday 9 August 2024

Ukraine War Commentary - None Of Us Should Actually Exist

Nuclear weapons have been around for 79 years.  To date, only two have been used.

During the Cold War, the USSR and the West came very close to using nuclear weapons and wiping out humanity many times, almost always owing to faulty missile detection systems. 

Here are some of the accounts that we know about...,Strategic%20Air%20Command%2C%20and%20elsewhere. 

Before discussing recent developments in Ukraine and the related threat of the use of nuclear weapons, we need to take a proper perspective on the last 79 years.  

The proper perspective is this...

Humans have been living on borrowed time for decades. It is a miracle that we are here at all. Unless we rid ourselves of nuclear weapons, one day we won't be.

Ok! So what is happening in Ukraine?

In a stroke of brilliance, the Ukrainian armed forces attacked into Russia proper at a weak point on the Ukraine-Russia border near Kursk. They are making steady progress against disorganized and ineffective Russian opposition.

Besides witnessing the brilliance of the Ukrainian armed forces, it is worth noting that we may also have witnessed a World History First! We may have a situation where a nuclear power has threatened to use nuclear weapons if a certain situation happens, and that situation may have actually happened. 

Putin has said that should Russian sovereignty and territorial integrity be threatened, he will use nukes. See here...

Is this how Putin sees this attack into Russia itself? We don't know, but this is a rather important question.

Regarding the use of any nukes, Putin is most likely bluffing - maybe there is a 1% chance that they will actually do it even if he thinks the situation is as he has warned. 

However, there is also likely chaos in the Russian government circles about what this attack actually means, and about its implications. Chaos skews rational thought. How this is seen and interpreted is entirely a matter of how Putin interprets it. It is actually possible that he thinks that this is the very type of situation that he has said would trigger the use of nukes.

This needs to be said again - Putin is likely bluffing. 

But if he isn't bluffing, and if he sees this as the type of situation about which he warned the West repeatedly, then the Russians are sorting out how to nuke Ukraine's bridgehead into Russian territory, and likely other areas of Ukraine, right now. And if they do that, then we will have to sort out what the world would look like on...The Day After. 

The Day After?? 

We have given what this may mean exactly zero thought. 

Here is how it could go.

On The Day After, there would be a flurry of phone calls, and threats and arrangements made between the Russians and the West to stop nuclear escalation. It is at that point that the West will likely tell Ukraine what arrangement it will have to live with regarding its land base. The West will not risk nonexistence for the Donbas and Crimea. There will be a ceasefire and armistice in Ukraine in about 24 hours.

That's great, but unfortunately, it will not end there.

On The Day After, Iran will start putting together a bomb as fast as it can, realizing what Israel would be about to do - the US has recently said that Iran can assemble a crude bomb in about a week. The Israeli Government - and especially this Israeli Government - will not let that happen. Israel would very likely obliterate Iran's nuclear facilities - which cannot be destroyed by conventional munitions - with multiple nuclear weapons within 24 hours of the use of nuclear weapons being normalized by Russia. Given Iran's constant threat to obliterate Israel, who would blame them?

As well, China would probably not give a hoot if Taiwan was just a flaming hole in the ground when they reoccupy it, just as long as they can make China whole again by taking over the island. They will learn from the situation in Ukraine that the West will back down from a nuclear confrontation that does not directly threaten the West, and realizing that, they will issue an ultimatum to Taiwan...accept the CCP, or get obliterated, and they will mean it. Taiwan would back down, and so would the West.  

Seeing that the USA will not back Ukraine in a nuclear confrontation with Russia will give Germany and Japan pause. They have always been skeptical that the USA would place them under their nuclear umbrella, risking American lives to protect those countries in situations where there may be no immediate threat to the USA. With proof that the Americans will, in fact, not risk a nuclear confrontation with Russia that puts America at risk to protect another country, both Japan and Germany will immediately start developing nuclear weapons. It is very likely that other countries will do so as well - certainly, Ukraine will.

And then what?  

Nukes will have been used for the first time in 79 years. The Day After will be a world that we have never lived in before. One would hope that, regardless of some knee-jerked nuclear proliferation on the part of Japan and Germany and others, the use of these weapons would prompt a new round of significant nuclear disarmament. That is probably what will happen. A better world could likely emerge.

On the other hand, this normalization of the use of these weapons could eventually lead to significant nuclear exchanges - India-Pakistan; Israel versus others; China-India? No one knows how such turns of events may come about, but these are obvious possibilities. 

The 2023 UN State of the World Population report noted that the use of only 400 strategic nuclear weapons would end human life on Earth. There are thousands of such weapons in existence.

Reality - we have probably not been this close to someone actually using nuclear weapons before, outside of the above-noted incidents during the Cold War. 

Related to this, we have never seen a situation where a country threatened to use these weapons if certain circumstances happened, and it is possible that they will interpret the situation and conclude that the given circumstances did actually happen.

It's "hold your breath" time.

PS - What is the real lesson from the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"?

There actually was a wolf...

Wednesday 7 August 2024

It Worked - Harris Picks Walz and now Outpolling Trump - TOO CLOSE TO CALL!

What a difference a few weeks make.

Harris is now leading Trump in poll after poll, as noted here:

Harris' lead in collective polls is 0.5%. For perspective, Biden's lead at this point in 2020 was 6.4%.

Looking at the very latest polls, Trump leads in battleground states Arizona, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Harris leads in Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan and Georgia. 

Regarding the Electoral College, this writer has Trump at 271, and Harris at 267. 

This is too close to call.

Harris helped herself tremendously by choosing, not Shapiro who this writer noted would hurt her with young voters, but Walz from Wisconsin to be her vice presidential candidate. He is rock solid - he is a governor with experience running a government; a long-serving military veteran; and solidly supported by unions in a battleground state. This choice will buttress her campaign to such a degree that people will start to ask why he is the VP candidate and not the presidential one! Walz will embarrass Vance in any debate.

Trump's comments regarding Harris' race, coupled with his choice of Vance who has a history of verbal indiscretions, appear to have hurt his chances. The assassination attempt on Trump and the RNC seem eons away now.

Trump needs to bring some discipline to his campaign, or he is in serious trouble. Harris is very vulnerable regarding her own history of verbal indiscretions that are easily as serious as those of Vance, but Trump's campaign has been ineffective in bringing these to the electorate.

Harris needs to continue to not take questions from anyone in the press. The press has crowned her as the great anti-Trump hope. She needs to keep the focus on him, and to continue to use her very willing allies in the press to get her message across. 

The world is chaotic at the moment - Ukraine, Gaza, Lebanon, Great Britain, Sudan, and the stock market. This works in Trump's not Harris' favour, as he is the candidate of change and reaction, while she is the candidate of vested left-wing, certain financial interests and the status quo. Should this chaos bleed into the campaign, Trump's polling results will start to recover.

As noted above, this is too close to call. The great wild card over the next 48 hours is whether Trump will dump Vance and choose someone like Nikki Haley as his VP candidate who, assuming she would take the job, would remake this campaign yet again.

The most chaotic campaign ever continues!

Saturday 3 August 2024

Trump v Harris - Post-Vacation Update!

The pro-Harris, media-led propaganda effort is in full swing.  

While on vacation, the writer of this blog was informed multiple times that Harris had pulled well ahead of Trump in the polls, and that she now dominated every one of the battleground states.

That is not really true. See here...

If you click on each of the battleground states right about the results on this website, you will see that Harris leads in Michigan. Trump leads in Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina and he has a slight lead in Wisconsin. These are collective results of all polls since Harris became the de facto Democratic nominee. If the election reflected these collective polling results, Trump would have 297 electoral college votes to 241 for Harris.

However, it is true that Harris has moved the results slightly. The most recent polls put her ahead in Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona and Michigan. If Harris takes these states, and Trump takes the rest of the battleground states, he still wins the election but with only 270 electoral college votes to 268!

This may now be too close to call.

Some wildcards.

Trump appeared before the National Association of Black Journalists and said, regarding Harris, "So I don't know, is she Indian or is she Black?"...But you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn't, because she was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden she made a turn, and she went - she became a Black person.

Trump has been vigorously condemned for this comment in the American press. 

It remains to be seen whether or not this will hurt him, as Trump has a knack of saying out loud what many people may be thinking but would not dare to say in public. 

Certainly, Harris has played up various aspects of her background depending on who her audience is. Then again, she has a perfect right to do that, as it is her background after all! 

We may see what America really thinks about this matter in poll results very soon. If Trump's numbers drop, than those comments hurt. And if they go up?

Harris is about to pick Josh Shapiro as her running-mate. He is the Jewish governor of Pennsylvania. This would normally be a wise choice, as he is moderate and balances out Harris' very left wing views on many issues. He is also from Pennsylvania, which is one of the battleground states that she must win to become the President.

The war in Gaza makes this a breathtakingly risky move. Shapiro has come out for a two-state solution, and he has been a critic of Netanyahu. Nonetheless. he also opposed the student occupations that were designed, in part, to force their post-secondary institutions to divest from Israel. He is also on record, as a student, in saying that peace is actually impossible between Israelis and Palestinians.

In picking Shapiro, rather than celebrating the choice, Harris will be in the position of having to defend and justify this decision from the very start to the masses of young people who have been registering to vote for her since she became the de facto Democratic candidate, and who see in her much of what they want in terms of rights to abortion, and other progressive changes to the national life of the country. Many will find the choice of Shapiro to be totally inexplicable - anti-Semitism is alive and well in America. If she actually does choose him as her running mate, it will very likely cost her votes. (Note - the fact that she has a Jewish husband will also feed countless conspiracy theories on the Left and the Right.)

Harris has not taken questions from the press since she became the de facto Democratic nominee. She will face questions at some point. This could spell trouble for her.

Besides having to answer for things like reversing her position of fracking in America, which has been the source of US oil self-sufficiency, the recent debacle that saw a female Italian boxer withdraw from an Olympic bout against an Algerian boxer who is alleged by some to be a transgender person with a male physique - saying, in effect, that she had never been hit that hard in her life, and that she was concerned for her safety - is a possible powder keg for Harris. 

She is on record of favoring transgender rights. If asked by the right-leaning media, would she support the Algerian's right to box against women in the Olympics even if that meant, in the eyes of some, a significant risk to the health and safety of women boxers?  

The issue itself is immaterial - the boxer is not transgender. The point is that this is potentially a lose-lose scenario for Harris because of the impression that it could leave with many voters depending on how she answers, and it is also an obvious type of question that she will face if she ever allows the press to ask her questions. How she deals with things like this will say much about whether she is actually ready to be the President of the United States.

A final note on the possible election result.

The repeal of Roe v Wade resulted in the mobilization of millions of determined voters who cost the Republicans dearly in 2022. It is possible that no polls are actually accurate now, as they focus on general intentions and not on any one issue. In fact, abortion may be the one issue that actually matters, and if that is the case, given that the Democrats support abortion, Harris may win this election in a landslide.

The nuttiest election ever continues!

Thursday 25 July 2024

It Didn't Work - Trump Outpolling Harris

It is amazing watching the press literally fawn over Kamala Harris, as she moves ahead to challenge Donald Trump in the battle to become the next President of the United States.

The initial polling is in. It didn't work. Trump leads Harris by 1.9% in national polls (2.8% if the five people challenging to become President are included in polling), and latest polls show his lead growing, not shrinking.

See here...

Harris has become the candidate for the Democrats without having to beat any challenger whatsoever. She has been nominated by the party hierarchy and the moneymen who run that party. This is a serious mistake, as it arms Trump and his minions to claim that he is the democrat, not Harris, as he was actually elected to the position as his party's nominee. Any process would have been preferable to nothing. Note - Trump has started calling this a "coup"...millions of voters will agree with him.

The Democrats have also doubled-down on the claims that Trump is a felon, seemingly unable to understand that this claim has not hurt him to date, and there is little chance that it will do so now. As noted in this blog...

...Trump's base grew with his criminal convictions, not shrank.

The problem is simple. 

The Democrats do not understand masses of the American people. The are preaching incongruities to a group of people who simply see the world in a different light. The Democrats do not have a leadership problem; they have a comprehension problem, as in they don't properly comprehend the basic preferences, ideals, perspectives, hopes and dreams of tens of millions of people who they want to lead.

This may change as Trump's infirmity becomes clearer, and Harris comes to be preferred only because she isn't a fossil. But the GOP has been better at hiding Trump's issues than the Democrats were at hiding Biden's.

Will the Democrats seek to dump Harris at the DNC in August via a contested convention, when it is clear that she cannot beat Trump?

The craziest election ever continues!


Sunday 21 July 2024

Biden Withdraws from Race!

As predicted here, President Biden withdrew from the race to become the next president of the United States of America. (This blog was off by six days.) After his shocking and abysmal performance in the recent debate against Donald Trump, this was inevitable.

Who will replace Biden? 

Likely Harris, but comments on the main options and how they may fare against Trump follow.  

Harris - Trump will wipe the floor with Harris if she is nominated. She was a catastrophe in 2020 when she ran for the nomination against Biden. The news from her office that she is a toxic and difficult and disorganized person to work for says everything. Polling puts her well behind Trump; she cannot be the nominee.

Whitmer - She would beat Trump if she becomes the nominee instead of Harris. She is in a battleground state - Michigan - and she has successfully run a government. She is competent; Harris is not. 

Trump can't be seen to savage a White, middle-aged woman in the USA without losing the vote of that entire demographic. But Trump can't help himself. If Whitmer is nominated, Trump will blow his brains out attacking her, one viscous tweet and comment at a time. If the Democrats have any brains at all, they will rush to make Whitmer the nominee. 

Buttigieg - He is married to a man. The USA isn't ready for that. The Democrats know that.  He will not be the nominee.

Newsom - He is effective and compelling. He is the Governor of California. Nevertheless, his nomination would mean a 100 electoral college seat victory by Trump, as a White, wealthy, California Democrat is the essence of everything that the MAGA Republicans and their supporters hate. Trump would be able to focus on Newsom like no other candidate, and bury him alive. Nominating him would be insane.

The wildcard here is Trump himself. He is 78, and is also not the man he used to be. This man is a heart attack waiting to happen. 

Biden and his minions hid his obvious decline for months, maybe years. What about Trump?

This is an unprecedented and crazy election. The chaos will continue!

Fearless prediction - It will be Harris versus Haley in 2024.

Result - Nikki Haley will be the next president of the USA.

Sunday 14 July 2024

Trump Assassination Attempt

Trump avoided being assassinated yesterday. Good for him - a political assassination at this point in American history could spark a bloodbath. No doubt, there are many people who wish the shooter had aimed a bit to the right. They are dead wrong. It is a very good thing that Trump survived.

Here are some thoughts...

This is potentially Trump's moment of triumph. Trump's Republican Party will rally around him like never before especially as the Republican National Convention is very conveniently about to start. Trump has the opportunity in the next 72 hours to adopt a humble and unifying approach for the rest of the presidential election campaign that would surely win over the undecided and independent voters who are the people who decide every American election.

But that is not who he is. Here is some of what he will likely say...

You will hear that the Deep States tried to assassinate him. This is false.

You will hear that he and the MAGA Republicans need to "fight" against their opponents until they win; opponents including so-called RINO's and Democrats. Using words like "fight" in this circumstance is crazed as it encourages more violence - he has already started doing this.

You may even here that he was spared being killed because God wants him to lead the nation again. No comment.

If we know anything about this pampered billionaire, it is that he honestly believes that he is a victim. Yesterday, he actually was one. (Note - please read previous blogs regarding Trump. Some of the legal proceedings brought against him are unfair - he is a victim there as well.)

It is impossible for this man - a man who urged a crowd of his supporters to attack the Capitol on January 6, 2021 resulting in the deaths of five police officers (one stroke and four suicides) - to empathize with anyone other than himself.

An approach by Trump to the attempted assassination that is entirely self-centered and which implicitly calls for more violence and division - which, again, is what calling to "fight" in these circumstances would do - may actually hurt his election chances as independent and undecided voters will not want to see anything that smacks of division and future violence.  His reaction may actually frighten them.

Is Trump about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? 

We shall see.

Oh, and Biden? 

With Trump potentially able to coerce this assassination attempt into an electoral victory, the Democrats surely understand that they need to "move the goalpost" now or they will lose. I think he is being asked by most powerful Democrats to step aside right now. 

This is the strangest presidential election in US history. 

Hold on to your hats - the crazy is just getting started.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Fearless Prediction on Biden's Impending RESIGNATION! - Biden's Burden and Trump, The Man Who Would Be King

On February 3, 2024, on this Blog, a call was made for President Biden to undergo cognitive impairment tests to prove that he is capable of continuing as President, and therefore able to run again for that same office.

We don't need new tests of Biden's mental acuity as the cognitive impairment tests have now been run. These tests were effectively run via the recent debate between Trump and Biden. Biden failed those tests. He is so obviously impaired that he needs to immediately resign and let Vice President Kamala Harris run the country until the next presidential election and until the next president takes office. Biden needs to never run again to become the President of the United States. His career needs to end, right now.

Biden won't resign. The hubris is incredible. The Democrats allege that Trump will behave like a king once in office, especially now that the Supreme Court of the United States has said that a president cannot be charged with a crime stemming from official acts committed while he was in office. In light of this, what is Biden doing? Is he not behaving like the Office of the President of the United States is his own personal fiefdom? Who does this man think he is?

Biden may say that he needs to run as he is the only person who can defeat Trump. Prior to the debate, that was a valid point. After the debate, there are almost no political polls that suggests that this is true. See here...

Prior to the debate, Trump led Biden in the polls by under one percentage point. (Note - at this point in the election cycle prior to the 2020 presidential election, Biden led Trump by a whopping 9%!) Since the debate, Trump's lead has grown to well above 3%, which is outside most normal margins of error in public opinion polls, which suggest that Biden cannot possibly beat Trump now. Trump also leads Biden in every battleground state where Biden must win in the majority of these states or he cannot continue in his present job. 

What is happening, and what these polls reflect is that the undecided voters and the independent voters are moving to Trump in the realization that Biden is not competent to continue as president. Once these minds have been changed, it is close to impossible to change them back. Biden may have already handed Trump the next election as a result of his inexplicable hubris. 

(Note - Trump has recently edged Biden in the public opinion polls but millions of Americans would obviously still prefer an addled and incompetent Biden to a lying and criminal Trump. Where would Nikki Haley be in the polls in this situation if she has beaten Trump in the Republican presidential nomination battle! Without Trump's baggage, it is suggested here that she could have at least a ten percentage point lead on Biden at this point!) 

So if Trump wins, will he and can he behave like a king as the Left and the Democrats have suggested?

Commentary on Trump v the United States...

The United States Supreme Court has declared, as noted above, that presidents are immune from prosecution stemming from official acts while in office, and they sent the issue of what this means - as in, what are and what are not "official acts" - to the lower courts where Trump faces a range of criminal prosecutions. See here... 

The Left and the Democrats are aghast at this ruling, claiming that Trump will be able to do things such as order the arrest of political opponents and impose a military-enforced curfew in the USA to quell popular opposition to his rule.


The Supreme Court confirmed the obvious, which is that official acts of the president should not attract criminal indictment. That's it. Were they supposed to say the opposite, which is that official acts can result in criminal charges? If that were the case, then many US presidents would have been in serious trouble, as the USA has committed a range of crimes in pursuit of its interests throughout the centuries. 

For example, it is actually illegal in international law to drop missiles on the heads of people in countries against which the missile-dropping country is not at war. President Obama personally ordered the murder of some 3,797 people via drone strikes, of which the USA will admit at least 324 of the dead persons were civilians. (Note - these people were all civilians, but the majority who were killed were suspected terrorists. These people did not get a day on court - they got death from above.)

Here is an excellent summary of how many people were killed by drone strikes under Obama in countries against which the United States was not officially at war, and in one country - Pakistan - that was actually an ally.

President Obama also ordered the murder of at least one American citizen in these drone strikes. The President of the United States ordering the murder of a US citizen is not a legal act, even if that citizen had become a radicalize lunatic. Unless the lowers courts will to say that the President of the United States is allowed to murder American citizens as an official act - and they won't - then Obama is a murderer. (BTW - the then President Trump actually ordered an increase in drone strikes once he became President, and he relaxed the requirement to report the number of deaths from those strikes. Nonetheless, there is no record of him ordering the deaths of any Americans.)

The justices of the Supreme Court said that the president is immune from prosecution for official acts. They did not say that illegal acts somehow become legal as long as the president orders them into effect, which is how the Left and the Democrats are interpreting the ruling. They also did not say that anyone following an illegal order was immune from prosecution...only the President.

So no, the President cannot assume that ordering the shooting of a political opponent is now legal because he ordered it. Murder is still a crime, no matter how it comes about, and murdering a political opponent is presumably not an official act, although it will be up the lower courts to confirm this.

Then again, there is a chance that the lower courts won't do this and that they will allow for things such as murder and mass illegal incarceration as long as the president orders these things in his capacity as the president. This is the nightmare scenario that the Left and the Democrats thinks is actually possible. 

Thinking that the lower courts will not interpret "official acts" to include such things as murder is showing faith in the American system of justice and governance - something the Left and the Democrats are failing utterly to do on this issue. At this point, the lower courts have yet to rule on what are and what are not "official acts".  

We shall see. 

Fearless Prediction!  

This is July 12, 2024. 

Biden will resign from the presidential electoral race on Monday, July 15, 2024.

Friday 31 May 2024

Trump Convicted! Trump Triumphant! - With Post Script!

Trump has been convicted on all 34 counts related to illicit financial records aimed at hiding payments to Stormy Daniels to obtain her silence regarding the dalliance that he had with her, this in order to protect Trump's 2016 electoral campaign.

Some thoughts...

1. He is Guilty...

There is no question that Trump is guilty. Trump most definitely arranged to pay $130,000 to a hooker to obtain her silence. He did this by fudging the books of his corporation, and he did this to have an affect on an electoral campaign. These are crimes. He is a criminal.


2. This Was an Unjust Prosecution...

Trump was convicted of 34 counts related to improper financial records. These are normally misdemeanor offences, but became felonies because this was done in aid of other offences, the most important of which was "unlawfully influencing" the outcome of the 2016 election.

So please understand that the basic allegation here is not just that the business records were improper. It is also that the payments were made via those improper records to unlawfully influence the election. This can only mean that the payments to Daniels were the "unlawful" thing that influenced the election. In other words, in the opinion of the prosecutor - Alvin Bragg - paying a hooker to keep her mouth shut about an affair, so as to protect a male politician's election chances, constitutes "unlawfully influencing" an election. 

Given that this is such serious illicit activity that it can raise a misdemeanor to the level of a felony, will Mr. Bragg be investigating other male politicians to see if they have done precisely the same thing - perhaps interviewing Mr. Pecker from the National Enquirer to ask if he knows of other non-disclosure agreements? 

Of course not. This was a special prosecution that has never occurred before and never will occur was all just for Mr. Trump.

The other male, sleaze-bag politicians in the USA who have also paid to avoid "bimbo eruptions" can rest easy. Just as Mr. Pecker knew that his most important role at the National Enquirer was to bury dirt so as to protect the powerful, Mr. Bragg no doubt knows the same thing. 

"Unlawfully" paying a hooker to protect your electoral chances will go down in history as the crime of one man...Donald Trump...and no one else.

There is no equality before the law if the book is only ever thrown at just one guy. 

3. It Doesn't Matter...

Trump's MAGA supporters will be even more motivated to support him with 34 convictions than without. He will sell this as a Democratic Party set-up, and they will buy all of it. This will not shake a single vote from Trump's base.

4. His Base will Grow...

America is a class society, with three classes: the Consumption Class, the Management/Professional Class, and the Ownership Class.

The Consumption Class is the largest. The sole purpose of people in this class is to consume goods and services in order to keep the economy afloat. This class contains most of the "Deplorables" that Hillary Clinton famously insulted in 2016. This is also the class that contains most of Trump's supporters.

These people are aggressively policed in America to ensure "social harmony". Many have an exceptionally conflictual and jaded view of their country. They love America, but literally hate anyone associated with its politics - party affiliation is irrelevant.

Trump's entire schtick is that he is not a normal politician and he is not part of the normal political mainstream in the USA. Nothing will make this clearer than his conviction on 34 counts for essentially paying a hooker $130,000 to stay silent.

Literally tens of millions of American voters will identify with him now that he has been convicted of many crimes. They will think that, like them, he was also whacked by The Man. 

It doesn't matter that Trump actually is The Man. He will now resonate with millions more people than ever before. Prediction...polling will show his support rising, not falling, after these convictions.

5. Conclusion...

Those who brought and who salute this prosecution do not understand that Trump is not the problem; he is a symptom of a problem. 

That problem is that tens of millions of American citizens do not think that they are part of the American Dream. They believe that they are not part of that country's economic success; its political mainstream; and most importantly, its emerging culture. They are ready to be politically mobilized by anyone who speaks their language of discontent - so far, Trump is the one who truly gets it.

Once Trump is gone, someone else will tap into this wellspring of discontent, and reap political rewards. 


Polls since the convictions have been very slightly in favour of Biden. Trump's lead, as per Real Clear Politics, has declined from 0.9% to 0.5%. However, in 2020 Biden had a 7.8% lead at this point in the election cycle in June 2020. If these numbers hold, Biden cannot win the 2024 presidential election.

Saturday 2 March 2024

Fani Willis....ME TOO, or NOT ME? (See Update...)

The Fulton County District Attorney who is leading the charge against Donald Trump and others related to their attempts to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia has been caught "banging" her subordinate. These are the Georgia election interference cases.

She and her subordinate have confirmed, under oath, that the relationship took place.

This matter has been brought before the courts in an attempt by defence counsel for various charged individuals to have her and her subordinate disqualified from the cases, which would at least lead to considerable delay.

The issues before the courts related to this matter include whether Fani Willis has benefitted financially from hiring this man - Nathan Wade - and the question of when, exactly, did they start doing it...before or after she hired him?

What is not being raised is the almost unbelievable level of impropriety that would see a powerful person in a senior position carrying on with their subordinate.

When men do this and are caught, they are very often disciplined and even shown the door as the most tangible evidence of the success of the ME TOO movement. This occurs even if the affair was acknowledged as being consensual.

Fani Willis is apparently getting a pass on "making it" with her staff. As far as the writer knows, she has not apologized for the affair, and she has certainly not resigned.

Why is this?  

Is it because when is comes to illicit workplace liaisons, for powerful men it's now a matter of ME TOO, but for powerful women it seems to be a matter of NOT ME?

The judge hearing this matter - Judge Scott McAfee - is almost certain to disqualify both of these people from the various election-related cases, if only because even the appearance of impropriety demands such a result. Let's hope that when he does disqualify them, he will focus on the only issue that really matters - which is the completely inappropriate liaisons between Willis and Wade - and lay bare the almost unbelievable level of hypocrisy here.

Note - how is this issue not being raised far and wide in the press? What does the silence of most of the media about this impropriety say about their pretended devotion to "equality"?

For context, here is how this is handled in Canada...,as%20reported%20by%20BNN%20Bloomberg.

Saturday 17 February 2024

Trump "Convicted"!! - Trump's Fraudulent "Fraud" Conviction

Donald Trump has been ordered to pay $354.9 Million in a civil fraud case in New York. He has also been barred from being an officer or director of a company doing business in New York for three years, and his assets will be overseen by an independent "compliance director".,imperils%20his%20real%20estate%20empire.

He was accused by the New York State Attorney General of inflating the stated value of his real estate holdings and of committing fraud in order to obtain loans from banks. 

It is important to emphasize that no banks approached the New York State Attorney General who brought this matter before the courts and complained that they had been defrauded. 

In fact, the testimony of bankers during the proceeding showed that they had no problem with the valuations presented by Trump to secure loans, and they were more than capable of assessing and even reassessing the valuations of his properties.

This case is outrageous and sets a terrifying precedent. 

The state moved ahead with a legal proceeding against a business under consumer protection laws where there was no actual complaint against that business from anyone. There is a legitimate role for the state in protecting consumers against predatory businesses that take advantage of a lack of sophistication and knowledge on the part of the consumer. That was not this case where multinational banking conglomerates were more than capable of understanding their business dealings with Donald Trump.

The allegedly aggrieved parties here not only did not complain, but they actually did the complete opposite and went under oath and stated that there was no problem with their business dealings with Donald Trump at all.

They effectively swore under oath that they were not victims! 

These supposed "victims" would not have launched any legal process to recover any funds that they thought they had lost to Donald Trump owing to fraud as they did not think they had been defrauded. There was no criminal trial because no one complained that Trump committed fraud. No victims; no fraud.

See here...

This judgment will be appealed, and this may be the crux of the issue...

"'I think the judges are going to have to look carefully at what the powers of the attorney general are here," Germain said. "Are they so broad that any lie can put you out of business, even if nobody believed it?'"

Or, "Can the state find fraud where there are no victims, and where all possible victims assert that they are not victims at all?"

The state should not look behind private business deals to find "fraud" where the participants, who were better able than the state to decide the merits of their own business deals and their actual motivations, did not think there was a problem. If this is allowable, than the state will have adopted to itself the ability to review any business deal at any time to assess what it, and not the participants, deem to be the merits of the arrangement. 

That approach may pass muster in countries that are autocracies, where the real point of such state oversight is to coerce the participants in such business dealings into providing kick-backs to enrich the autocrats and others, or to adjust their personal political beliefs and behaviour. But that is not the American way. This was massive state overreach that has no precedent in New York State. That this has actually happened should cause anyone who believes in basic economic freedom - the freedom to enter into contracts - to pause and reflect. 

This entire charade will be thrown out on appeal, much to the chagrin of Trump haters everywhere. 


Saturday 3 February 2024

Trump and Biden - Cognitive Impairment? - With Addendum!!

Trump's recent speech in New Hampshire...

Trump made two slight missteps, which any normal person could have made.

Biden's recent speech re: Hamas attack on Israel...

Biden made a few minor missteps, but not more than any normal person could have made.

Biden had a few slight missteps more than Trump, but Biden's speech was compact and quite complex, while Trump simply chatted with his audience. 

Biden also had a teleprompter. This was not an advantage - if you think it was, just try following a teleprompter for over 15 minutes sometime. Doing this is not easier than just chatting with your audience.

These men are not cognitively impaired. 

Their missteps, as reported in the American propaganda press recently, both Left and Right, likely come when they are tired. The reality is that old people slow down. These guys are old and they are slowing down. That is all that is happening,

One of them will be the next president of the United States. 

As long as whoever wins the next presidential election has their afternoon naps; and drinks their Ensure; and goes for walkies so they can keep their bodies functional; and spends some time playing with their cats and/or dogs; and remains mentally engaged by playing bingo or parcheesi with the oldsters in any nearby old age home, he will maintain his faculties.


Biden has been cleared of any wrong-doing related to his ILLEGAL retention of classified materials at his home. As part of the police rationale for giving Biden a pass, the police have questioned his mental acuity, noting things such as he could not remember the timing of his son's death from cancer.

The police must be taken as being neutral actors in matters such as this. If they had concerns about Biden's memory, then we should all have similar concerns.

Biden should have to prove his mental acuity in a public, wide-ranging and neutral series of medical tests as a precondition for running for office in 2024. If, as he claims, there is no problem, then he should pass with flying colours. If there is an issue, he needs to retire, asap.

The Office of the President of the United States is too important to be left to the hubris of the potentially befuddled...




Tuesday 9 January 2024

Questionable Georgia Charges against Trump!

Donald Trump has been charged, along with 18 others, with a total of 41 election-related crimes in Georgia, including charges of racketeering, which is normally used to target members of organized crime groups and carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison.  

The indictment says this...

"Trump and the other defendants charged in this indictment refused to accept that Trump lost, and they knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump,"

The first part of the indictment that says this..."Trump and the other defendants charged in this indictment refused to accept that Trump lost,..." and this is totally bizarre. Any candidate is permitted to review an election to the point that they, not some attorney general, are satisfied that they actually lost before conceding, and before the election has actually been certified by Congress, which, at this point, had not happened. So, during the point in time in question - that is, before the certifications of the election by Congress - Trump was absolutely within his rights to question the outcome of the election, especially if some of his advisors had been telling him that there was even a long-shot reason to do so, and especially if he thought that the outcome made no sense.

Regarding the charge of trying to unlawfully change the outcome of the election, the case stems, in large part, from a Jan. 2, 2021, phone call in which Trump urged Georgia's top election official, Brad Raffensperger, to "find" enough votes to reverse his narrow loss in the state. Without this call, the charges would very likely not have been brought against Trump. 

Trump said this to Mr. Raffensperger, So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes..."

This quote has appeared repeatedly in the press as purported proof that Trump was asking Mr. Raffensperger to do something illegal, namely, to falsify the results of the presidential election in Georgia, effectively handing it to Trump by inappropriately according him the 11,700 votes he would need to beat Biden.

In fact, during the telephone call between Raffensperger and Trump, which was witnessed by numerous other persons, Trump always included the request to find 11,700 votes within his purported belief and understanding that he actually won the state by between 200,000 and 300,000 votes. Asking that 11,700 votes be attributed to him was Trump asking that a fraction of the votes he thought were actually attributable to him be properly attributed, therefore allowing him to win the state, which he repeatedly states in the telephone call that he thought he did win.

Absent this context, the press reports that include the quote above regarding the request to "find" 11,700 votes are extremely misleading - that is not all that he said regarding this matter, and what the press leaves out is the actual crux of the matter, which is that he repeatedly said that he thought he won.  

More to the point, at no time did Trump say anything like, "I know I lost the election, could you just send me 11,7000 votes so that I can win, and if you do, I'll make sure you are taken care of?"...

Not only that, but unless one of his associates is going to testify that he acknowledged that he actually thought that he had lost in private, and he was trying to perpetrate a fraud in asking for the 11,700 votes, there will be no evidence presented at his trial supporting the charges of "...conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election..." simply because there would be no evidence that he had the guilty mind necessary to make out the charge. 

In short, if the evidence shows that he still believed that he won when he asked for the 11,700 votes, and he still believed that a fraud had been perpetrated, he likely cannot be convicted.

Here is a URL of the call with Raffensperger. I defy anyone to say that Trump had thought that he actually lost, and he had the guilty mind necessary to form an illicit conspiracy to steal the election. The transcript simply doesn't support this interpretation.

Friday 5 January 2024

Trump and the 14th Amendment

The Former President and the 14the Amendment - First Glance

Former President Donald Trump has been disqualified from appearing on the ballot in two states - Maine and Colorado - based on the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, and the allegation that he engaged in "insurrection" against the United States. 

Here is what Section 3 to the 14th Amendment says:

Section 3.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. 

Note that "Rebellion and Insurrection" are also illegal in the United States as follows:

"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." [18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection]

In spite of a massive investigation into the actions of Donald Trump on January 6, 2021, he has not been charged with "rebellion or insurrection" under 18 U.S. Code. He has been charged with: i) conspiracy to violate civil rights; ii) conspiracy to defraud the government; iii) the corrupt obstruction of an official proceeding; and iv) conspiracy to carry out such obstruction. "Insurrection" isn't on this list.

How is it possible that former President Trump was disqualified from running for office based on his allegedly having engaged in an "insurrection" when he has not actually been charged with that very thing? 

Put another way, if there is insufficient evidence to charge him with insurrection under 18 U.S. Code based on his actions on January 6, 2021, what is his disqualification from running for office under the 14th Amendment based on?

The Coming Supreme Court Decision on the 14th Amendment

The Supreme Court of the United States has not weighed in one the meaning of the 14th Amendment. That court is guaranteed to hear this case. What follows is a short discussion of how they may dispose of the issue.

The prohibition in the 14th Amendment and the prohibition in 18 U.S. Code are potentially massive in scope. Both could be interpreted as including an intention to overthrow the established political order, and even just dissent, with no actual actions having been taken in that regard. 

This is because of the definition of "insurrection" is as follows: "An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government."

We have a definition in a definition here. The legal definition of the word "revolting", is as follows: "...a renouncing of allegiance (as to a government or party) especiallya determined armed uprising: a movement or expression of vigorous dissent."

These definitions are taken from Merriam-Webster because, incredibly, these terms do not appear to have been defined in the U.S. Code!

So "insurrection" includes "revolt" that can include "expressions of vigorous dissent". This would imply that anyone who even dissents from the established political order in the United States could be barred from running for office under the 14th Amendment. 

This potential interpretation is so massive that many Socialists and all American Communists could be barred from running for office as both, in different ways, dissent from the established US political, and related to it, the economic order. As well, it could include the Black Lives Matter folks and the MAGA people who also often call for massive changes in the established political order, but for different reasons and to different ends.

There is no way that the US Supreme Court will interpret the prohibition in the 14th Amendment broadly enough to include "expressions of vigorous dissent", as that would upend much of the political order in the United States, and could make a mockery of other rights in the Bill of Rights such as Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment.

At the other end of the spectrum we have the Civil War, which sparked the 14th Amendment in the first place. This is clearly an example of "insurrection".

Regarding the potential disqualification of Donald Trump, what the United States Supreme Court will have to decide is where, on the spectrum between legal dissent on the one hand, and actual illegal war on the other, would Donald Trump's actions on January 6, 2021 lie?  

In deciding this issue, it is suggested here that the test they may use could include the likelihood that the alleged insurrection could have actually succeeded in overthrowing the established political order in the USA. Simple dissent could not ever do this, but the Civil War certainly could have.

So the question may be something like, "Could the insurrection launched by Donald Trump that coalesced on January 6, 2021, have actually overthrown the established political order of the United States of America?"

With former Vice President Pence having refused to participate in the insurrection, and determined to certify the election as he was required to do under the Constitution, the answer is clearly "no". 

As there was no chance that the insurrection could have succeeded, the United States Supreme Court will not disqualified Donald Trump from running for office under 14th Amendment.

Donald Trump needs to buy Mike Pence lunch.