Monday 6 November 2017

Flynn x 2? Mueller Bye, Bye?

Update -

Zero Hedge and the Guardian are reporting that Flynn and his son are about to be charged as part of the Mueller investigation.  

As well, a Florida Republican, Matt Gaetz, has called for Mueller to recuse himself from the investigations because he hasn't investigated the Clinton's and allegations of shading dealing with respect to Uranium and Russia, and because the related sale of a company called Uranium One to a Russian form. This is supported by Arizona Republican Andy Biggs, and Louie Gohmert of Texas.  

What to think?

Flynn could be pardoned by Trump at any time, with the President asserting that he hasn't been charge with anything so it would be a "nothing burger". Mueller needs to charge him if he wants to keep him "in the bag".

There is no way that the Republicans noted above would be proceeding on their own. Their called for the removal of Muller would have been done in concert with the White House.  If this doesn't work - and it won't as more Republicans want Mueller to continue - the possibility that Trump will fire him grows markedly.

Finally, the revelations of Donna Brazille regarding the Clintons and her time as the head of the DNC warrant front page news everywhere in America. They stole the 2016 nomination. They will try their hand at politics again - they are utterly corrupt, and regardless of Trump, the US press should be screaming this reality to all who will listen.

Today, CNN has two small front-page commentaries on this on their "politics" page among up to thirty such articles. Huffington Post USA has an article with Clinton staffers' (read the Clintons, who would have planted this) allegation that Brazille bought into the Russia narrative.

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