Tuesday 21 November 2017

Trump de jour

Mueller’s team is about to interview some high fliers in the Trump White House. This includes White House communications director Hope Hicks, counsel Don McGahn and Josh Raffel who is a communications aide to Jared Kushner. Other staff are also expected to be interviewed.

There is commentary amongst the chattering media that interviewing these people who are so close to Trump means Mueller is near the end of his investigation, and Trump will soon be exonerated. Ty Cobb, Trump’s lawyer, is apparently leading this narrative.

Well, I think not.

Mueller is likely trying to get these people on the record as soon as possible. I think that, like Papadopoulos, many of these people are shameless liars, ripe for the picking on later obstruction of justice charges to encourage cooperation as things start to come together. Call this the Martha Stewart strategy - she was not convicted of insider trading, but went to jail because she lied to the police about what she knew about an insider tip regarding IMClone stock.

The thing is, the cops interview people all the time. These people may just be arrogant enough to think they can put one over on them….just keep talking…

1 comment:

  1. well, too late now for a preemptive pardon. Flynn has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI... what's next?
