Friday 22 June 2018

How Astute is Mueller?

How astute is Mueller?

In court filings to prepare for Manafort’s trials, Mueller has taken on the New York Times, and Washington Post for inaccurate reporting about his investigation, specifically about reporting on the raid on Manafort’s house.

He has also highlighted  reports that "question the legitimacy of the Special Counsel's investigation, tending to advance the opinion that the investigation is 'tainted' and therefore its results are suspect…"

By attacking the New York Times and Washington Post, which staunchly support his investigation, he is actually arming Trump to go on a “fake news” rant! If Trump takes the bait, Mueller effectively becomes an ally of Trump, thereby undercutting every attack Trump has ever made on him! Is the man-baby just deluded enough to go for it…?

By not naming Fox and other news sources that question the legitimacy of his investigation, and which are clearly the targets of the second comment quoted above, he spares them the criticism they so obviously deserve and he stays above the fray. Not directly engaging these organizations – mouth pieces of the government under Trump - on an issue related to his legitimacy and staying above the fray is how Mueller continues to confirm that very legitimacy.  It is “artful silence”.

This was perfectly played. Trump is dealing with a very able investigator who speaks more loudly through his silence than Trump can ever speak through his endless tirades.

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